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  1. Chopper

    you just like abusing sweatervests

    you just like abusing sweatervests
  2. Chopper

    fuck off you lying cunt

    fuck off you lying cunt
  3. Chopper

    Get on my level (-_-)

    Get on my level (-_-)
  4. Chopper

    "Male, 20, from United Kingdom" my ass you and your squad are pointing gun fingers at the...

    "Male, 20, from United Kingdom" my ass you and your squad are pointing gun fingers at the camera, waste man famalam
  5. Chopper

    125cc Motorbikes

    I currently own a YBR 125 i would highly recommend yamaha. I have been studying automotive engineering for just over 2 years now and i know a little bit about bikes from real experience. I dont know your budget but here are some bikes i would...
  6. Chopper

    3.4, 2.5 Boyd Crawder

    Firstly i would like to know why he randomly punched me and secondly he badly injured me with the punches, he must have high strength. I chased him the first time but he managed to get away after he returned i still wanted revenge for him punching me and i thought stabbing him and giving him a...
  7. Chopper

    hows it going

    hows it going
  8. Chopper

    credit to you for the signature excuse my modifications ;)

    credit to you for the signature excuse my modifications ;)
  9. Chopper

    Possible Inactivity

    You got excluded? Holy shit!
  10. Chopper

    Yeah you like them?

    Yeah you like them?
  11. Chopper

    Martial Art Games

    UFC games and tekken
  12. Chopper

    Your pets

    I have 2 scorpions the black one is called Marauder and the yellow one is called Diablo he is just a baby.
  13. Chopper

    fuk of dum sweed

    fuk of dum sweed
  14. Chopper

    The true Irish republican army

    Paramilitary that has a hierarchy of a motorcycle club what could be better?
  15. Chopper

    Best Budget gaming laptop?

    I own a gaming laptop the dedicated GPU is a gtx 765m is has done me good for 4 years its starting to get dated now and the thing with laptops most of them cant be upgraded as the GPUs are soldered to the motherboard. If you plan on gaming and keeping it in the same room obviously go for a...
  16. Chopper

    500 Weed

    Your in-game name: Micky O-Neill Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51827207 What do you need refunded: 500 weed bags or 75k which ever would be easier. Same thing at the end of the day. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: @MrLewis was kind enough to take a report into PMs on the forums and ended up...
  17. Chopper

    How much is your account worth? $888
  18. Chopper

    AR - 2.1 2.5 3.4

    @Niko So where to start? i would like to start off by saying when you pick up the phone and dial 911 on someone you should accept that if they find out they can seek some sort of revenge for you being a snitch, if you dont want knee capped dont phone the police on people simple really? Why...
  19. Chopper

    AR - 2.1 2.5 3.4

    Because aside from my friend you were the only other person who seen me going into that alley and seen the shotgun coming out? You literally pointed me out to the police when they came driving in, be more subtle if you dont want to be killed for being a snitch. I was not in any view of any NPCs...
  20. Chopper

    AR - 2.1 2.5 3.4

    in the video you uploaded @ 0:22 till 0:30 you are on the phone i seen the end of it as i came back out the alley. When the police come to the car garage with lights and sirens i know someone had phoned the police. @ 1:10 you perform an act which is pointing me out to the police. also through...
  21. Chopper

    AR 3.4 and 3.22

    Well where should i start? You just answered your own question didn't you? Thats because org chat messages dont show up in demos, this can be cleared up by getting an admin to check the logs. This a taken straight from the AR i put on you. We had been watching u and the guy who sniped at...
  22. Chopper

    SWAT Marksmanship

    Maybe 100 is too high, i think somewhere in the region of 70-80 would be about right. Im going to stay neutral as i like the idea but automatically going to 100 is a bit much. This also brings up the subject about officers and SS they would also be trained with guns and should have higher...
  23. Chopper

    AR Chris Harper

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee/Chopper His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @D3luX / Chris Harper His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25015916 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4- This player thought it would be a good idea to "Shoot in the air" for no reason while the police where near by, he then took a...
  24. Chopper

    "I thought I was warranted"

    This is a nice reason to update the newspaper. All warranted people should show up on a list along with the crimes they are wanted for, maybe even a reward for capturing them? I think this would allow people to be bounty hunters and is another way of making some decent money. As long as they...
  25. Chopper


    OH GAWD THEY ARE ARMED!!!!!!!!!! with fake guns
  26. Chopper

    AR 2.5

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mclovin= James Mclovin / FAT= God knows this time His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:110270806 / STEAM_0:0:50073531 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1 2.5 3.21 2.1: Realistic Actions: They first of all shot up my van right in front of a...
  27. Chopper

    Looking slick mate

    Looking slick mate
  28. Chopper

    Wow dude you look hard af please leave me be!

    Wow dude you look hard af please leave me be!