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  1. Chopper


  2. Chopper

    Ermak - Just Like Tyla

    You must have been on some amount of drugs to create a video like this 0_0
  3. Chopper

    You tell me cunt.

    You tell me cunt.
  4. Chopper

    I wouldnt start rating shit if i was hiding pleb!

    I wouldnt start rating shit if i was hiding pleb!
  5. Chopper

    Quad Bikes

    I've been on a few quad and my favourite was a Quadzilla 450 it was a monster. Also you will need private land to ride around on your quad unless you have the confidence to smoke the police every time you go out ;)
  6. Chopper

    To The Pop Genre

    This guy is serious
  7. Chopper

    Ban Rape Roleplay

    You're all up for a murder, where you are actually taking a life and you sell lots of life ruining drugs to make a profit but when rape comes up you dont want to get involved? Its just a game, people get murdered IRL also but you dont see that getting banned. Really no one will consent to being...
  8. Chopper

    E's , eccies , swedgers all the same thing haha

    E's , eccies , swedgers all the same thing haha
  9. Chopper

    Bad choice

    I dont get it? You shot a guy in the back of the head?
  10. Chopper

    [Awaiting Decision] Tweaking to forced-withdrawls.

    +Support i think this would be good idea, for instance if you are at a casino and you get scammed for 200k there is literally no way of getting the 200k back. If you catch the scammer at a later date and have him in a secluded spot i think it should be allowed to make him wire you only what he...
  11. Chopper

    AR Bruno Ramos

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Marko His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bframos/Bruno Ramos His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80298665 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4/3.26 Player pulled out a phone while he was tied by his hands and feet, we thought he was calling police or one of his friends so we was...
  12. Chopper

    AR on Bobbie Ross/Wung Xin

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Marko His/Her Steam/In-game Name: SpazzMoid :D / wyxez Wung Xin & Bobbie Ross His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:163474619 / STEAM_0:1:645893 Why Should This Player Be Punished: They randomly shot me, i dont know if they were trying to mug us at the gas station or whatever...
  13. Chopper

    I think cake is doge?

    I think cake is doge?
  14. Chopper

    Doge is permabanned

    Doge is permabanned
  15. Chopper

    when did you call out noah?

    when did you call out noah?
  16. Chopper

    Yeah but i bet no forum bans get handed out

    Yeah but i bet no forum bans get handed out
  17. Chopper

    Now who am i going to force to suck dick?

    Now who am i going to force to suck dick?
  18. Chopper

    Goodbye.. rip Slava Alikov

    Sad to see you go mate, we were playing today then the next minute you were banned. shame really we had sweet revenge plotted for the car bomb that happened. We got them back in the end haha, Love Marko ;)
  19. Chopper

    Car seats tweak

    Most cars IRL have 5 seats, 4 main ones and that little one in the middle for the skinny guy.
  20. Chopper

    Best/favourite playstation 2 game

    Bunch of my favourite PS2 games. In no order(Love em all) GTA Series All great games that i had endless fun on as a kid got my first GTA when i was 7-8 Amazing game if you haven't got it you need to get it @cardstarvipe You can take over the whole of NY business by business Create a...
  21. Chopper

    AR Fenix

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Fenix His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58856262 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.20 Disconnected when we had him tied, gagged and was about to harvest his drugs. He was clearly in an RP situation and just DCd and joined back about 10...
  22. Chopper

    AR Mofidos

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Mofidos /Avery Harper His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65075178 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1 User comes from spawn and randomly punches me for no reason before joining up as cop while he is being arrested for physical assault. This...
  23. Chopper

    AR on Blvck

    Blvck was only defending his friend, they had mugged someone at bazaar and the witness had pointed him out to the police. He didnt need a warrent on him for him to go to jail which he was. I was standing next to the cop when he made the arrest and got shot.
  24. Chopper

    Sawn Offs

    So im sure im not the only one who has been waiting patiently for the sawn off shotguns to be implemented. When the gun update finally came out i was sad to see sawn offs were not craftable and thought it would be fixed within a few days but sadly that's not the case. Just wondering if the DEVs...
  25. Chopper

    Katya Love AR

    I had no intentions of firing a shot in the city garage, We were going to force her into the car and take her to the farm/hicktown area where we were going to decide her fate wether it would be a mugging or we would infact kill her was undecided. I would also like to know why and how she would...
  26. Chopper

    Video proof or it didnt happen!

    Video proof or it didnt happen!
  27. Chopper

    Katya was just lucky look how close that second shot was to her, it would have took her head off...

    Katya was just lucky look how close that second shot was to her, it would have took her head off a few inches below