AR on Blvck

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Your Steam/In-game Name: KeiwaM ラスマス /Kishinumaka Nakashima

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Blvck__ / Jalu Syzwalszky

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105257253

Why Should This Player Be Punished: (Earlier on, we found 2 dead bodies. Both were DNA scanned and suspects were warranted) So I was responding to a call from a medic saying he needed an officer. When I arrive he says it's all fine. Then a man starts talking to me, saying that the man we're looking for is the man standing next to me. The man doesn't seem to understand so I restrain him to check if he has any warrants on him. When I get out to the car it looks like the person I restrained is delaying the RP sit for his friend to come though I played on and helped him to the car. A Guy comes out of nowhere and says that there is blood on the wall behind me. I Quickly look and look back. When I look back the man instantly pulls a gun and starts shooting me without any warning or anything.

Now, I had no evidence on the restrained man at all. I Was simply gonna check if he had a warrant (which I found out later (for the case of the AR) that he did not). Neither did I ever say that I was going to arrest him.

Basically the shooter broke 2.5 and 3.4 by shooting me with no reason at all.

Evidence (Demo Required):!wRMHAAQQ!nwA9mTyeV45Yb2p-toFtdHOFYyDviaiIP73S72BbAr8

Also to proof he had no warrant on him:


In this picture I used gimp to get the names clearer. Below is the original image.

Tick: at 26000 I restrain the suspect to interrogate him and bring him to my car.

(Also yes I'm aware I hit the wrong binds and weapons cause I panicked before I died lol.)
Blvck was only defending his friend, they had mugged someone at bazaar and the witness had pointed him out to the police. He didnt need a warrent on him for him to go to jail which he was. I was standing next to the cop when he made the arrest and got shot.

Please upload new demo, this one only shows you walking inside of the PD
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