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  1. Hyperlate

    Janssonin ja Kerpeleen synttäri kiisseli

    Janssonin ja Kerpeleen synttäri kiisseli
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    Photo of me extinguishing the fire (sorry not best quality)
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    Police K9

    -support NPC dogs aren't smart
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    Suggested before and accepted:
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    Happy birthday Bamarin

    Happy birthday Bamarin
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    Happy birthday Fexxe(again)

    Happy birthday Fexxe(again)
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    Paramedic Supervisor

    -Support Medics aren't roleplaying that much. Even now there isn't somethimes medics and if this gets accepted then there will be even less.
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    My best M24 shots as S.W.A.T.

    Here is video me shooting with M24. I hope you enjoy this little montage: Related topics: Ash, Daymon and the entire SWAT Team
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    Renewable fire extinguisher

    +/-support In real life you don't refill the fire extinguisher by your self. My addition that only FF's could refill them
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    Being able to rp in jail.

    +Support +would add more realism This would make more sence if in the map would be separate prison. I can't understand how this would attract people. I have changed this.
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    CD's Not Just Radio Music or YouTube Music Not Just Radio Music

    Already suggested couple of times also here:
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    ARitz Cracker Banking

    -Support The ATMs are great at the moment. Also can you explain how it would add more RP. How you would manage your money in other ways then? @Panda I been changed this
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    Ash, Daymon and the entire SWAT Team

    Thanks @The Real Black Jesus I will make compilation video of those sniping shots and putt it in forums/Youtube
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    GG Swiper you got more trophy points then Bolli

    GG Swiper you got more trophy points then Bolli
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    Black Jesus's Box Of Suggestions

    You can put drugs inside GMC Vandura (Sorry cannot comment on phone)
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    Roadcrew fuel cans

    -Support Its not that long ride when towed to gas station. This wouldn't make much difference. Do you have something against towing? And there is delivery man for deliver gas cans
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    Another spawn point for medics car

    But other one is for Fullsize and other for Prius if I am rigth (Sorry can't comment on phone)
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    Another spawn point for medics car

    +Support Somethimes there is some selfish Medic who don't wanna move his car. BTW: Usually medics are nice people.
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    Resting to regain stamina.

    +Support Adds more realism because when you sit your legs rest. And really useful for any situation.
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    SS SUV

    The mayor could wave from window and drive around the city. And the limo is hard to drive because its too big... +Support
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    Ok I will make new one then when its your real birthday

    Ok I will make new one then when its your real birthday
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    Happy birthday Fexxe!

    Happy birthday Fexxe!
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    Happy birthday Robin! :D

    Happy birthday Robin! :D
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    Stinger grenade for swat

    -support S.W.A.T. got all ready flashbang.And some OP guns and great armor.How this is the grenade realistic? I agree with @Robin Ljungberg
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    When did you first join PERP-heads?

    In game name: Adam Cawthon Date first joined: November 2014 Time played on server: 1 week
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    Job Guide [Mildly Outdated]

    Will you add the sergeant job to this?
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    Money in Registers

    Use right template And +/- support +Would add realism because in real life in cash registers got money inside of them -In real life it takes like half a min to get the money out BTW:Would there be some alarm because you said there would be more...
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    +Support he was clearly breaking 3.4 by running at gunpoint
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    Share Your Computer Setup

    Case: Fractal Design Core 1000 CPU: Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 RAM: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Monitor: Asus 24" VE247H Full HD Keyboard: Blackstorm Stealth Mouse: Blackstorm Merc Headset: Tritton 720+
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    +/- Support +It would add more realism -It wouldn't make much difference -I think it would be hard to code