Black Jesus's Box Of Suggestions

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Dat Ass
Hello, It is I Black Jesus, so anyways I've had a compilation of suggestions thought up while I was in the loo. Never got time to post em so here is a the whole package, prepare your asshole cause this is going to be a long one.

Topic: Knockout Players

Short explanation (in notes):
- Knockout Players
- Regain Consciousness shortly
- Don't DIE

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Now, Knocking out players would be a great alternative instead of killing them, in fact an awesome alternative. I mean like If I hit the back of someones head with a bat or something they are knocked out for a couple of minutes, which allows players to possible drag them away or do some KidnapRP. Or possibly, mug a player but he may remember your face so knock him out for a couple minutes so you can make your escape?.

Topic: Police Frisk

Short explanation (in notes):
- Shows player's items
- Only Done By Chief
- or Sergeant

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Ever arrested someone as Chief Of Police, and you have a feeling they are carrying illegal items? But they don't drop it but you PAUSE the RP and wait for an admin to arrive. Well since the Chief and Sergeant have been white-listed job, they should be able to search players. Instead of calling admins you can get the RP done with. Possibly the Items show up as a list, or a window pops up?

Topic: Police Supplier Gives Food

Short explanation (in notes):
- Supplier for Bandages and Cones Gives Food
- Only to SWAT
- Food is bought.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I find it pretty retarded that when SWAT have to go to get foods, they have to go with their SWAT Van. That dinosaur of a vehicle is just highly unrealistic to happen in real life. I don't see SWAT in full armor getting food from McDonalds so why should it happen here. Sure SWAT job is boring but hell you get payed a whole lot. Why can't they just pay for their food inside the PD? Or Maybe use the Delivery Man if there is one.
Topic: Ability to Transport Drugs

Short explanation (in notes):
- After Raid ability to move drugs

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Pretty simple, the ability to move drugs from location A to location B. Possibly put in the VAN or be able to pick them up for a short amount of time?

Optional additions:
- Timer Stops when picked up
Topic: Drugs Stay After Disconnect

Short explanation (in notes):
- Drugs Stay after damn disconnect

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Don't you just hate it, after a raid a player who lost rage quits and you gain nothing from the successful raid? Drugs should stay where they were. So you could possibly take them or wait for them to finish growing.

Optional additions:
- Ability to transport drugs
Topic: Charisma

Short explanation (in notes):
- Talking and Dealing with NPCs increases Charisma
- Prices Cheaper

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Well, If you sell/ buy items from NPCs you may gain Charisma. With this Charisma, if your a high enough skill level may give you items for a cheaper price? Or such.

Topic: Selling Vehicles to Players

Short explanation (in notes):
- Players sell vehicles to each other

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Well I don't see why this isn't added yet. Since PERPheads has a large community, why can't they sell vehicles to each other? Instead of selling your car that cost you 300K and you sell it for 150K and that's like an obvious loss of funds. RIP

Topic: Online Market Place

Short explanation (in notes):
- No adverts
- Online Market Place
- Auto Delivered to storage.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Ever needed a pack of Lockpicks, a glock,? Or something urgently? Well why not use the online markets app on your phone, you can see active listings by players, and then just click buy! The item is then delivered to your storage a couple minutes later, best thing the players don't have to be online. The Seller puts his item in listings by an NPC at the storage area, where it is then removed from his/her inventory and placed on the market. When a player buys it, it transfers the funds of the player to the other player's account. The item is then automatically delivered to the player's storage a couple of minutes later.

Optional additions:
- Remove Adverts Then?
- Possible Delay


I banged yer nan. Jk

Bunch of suggestions, just go fucking read I'm to lazy 4 dis.
These ideas are not really detailed and most of them have already been discussed.
8 suggestions in total

1: +Support, knocking someone out for a short period would increase realism, rather than having to kill the person then have a life alert go off (if they have one) [This opens up for kidnapping]

2: -Support. frisking should be doable by all members of the police, otherwise you will have to call down 1/3 members of the higher ranks to Frisk the suspect just to get a simple GUI telling what item they had on them before automatically destroying it

3: +Support, seeing swat driving in a dinosaur of a vehicle in the streets just to go buy a simple burger, coming inside the store with all their equipment gotta be terrifying for the seller. Therefore there should be a vending machine inside the PD or something like that [Hit E on the vending machine to bring up a menu of food you can buy for different amounts of money]

4: +Support on the ability to carry drugs inside a van. Something big like that. -Support for being able to carry the drugs on you, a big pot should not fit in your pocket. If this should be added i would at least give it an animation and a big model indicating. "I AM CARRYING DRUGS, DRUGS HERE!!!"

5: Neutral, this may cause errors server sided, and also if the person re-connects and starts growing more drugs in the same house he would have 20 drug pots because the drugs became server sided. Instead the pots should probably just disappear and create bags of drugs corresponding to which plant it is

6: Neutral, the fuck is this? Why should the prices be cheaper if your "Charisma" increases? THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!!!!!!!

7: Yes

8: -Support, removing the adverts will remove realism from the server, instead the adverts should be put in the news paper, at least giving it a use. It's been useless ever since i joined

Ideas liked in total: 3/8
Ideas given for current ideas: 5/8 |2|4|5|6|8|
Topic: Ability to Transport Drugs

Short explanation (in notes):
- After Raid ability to move drugs

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Pretty simple, the ability to move drugs from location A to location B. Possibly put in the VAN or be able to pick them up for a short amount of time?

Optional additions:
- Timer Stops when picked up

Can't you already put them inside a van? i did it once upone a time, has it been removed?
Most of them already suggested, some might get added but for now

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