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  1. Casey Heller

    Update Log - 26/03/2020

    This does add a new very interesting way of how gunfights would work... TinySlayer, what about also showing a health percentage next to your health?
  2. Casey Heller

    Update Log - 26/03/2020

    I always thought it did drain HP hmmm.
  3. Casey Heller

    Happy birthday Dom. They shouldn't have treated you so poorly in the PLPD.

    Happy birthday Dom. They shouldn't have treated you so poorly in the PLPD.
  4. Casey Heller

    La Cosa Nostra - Looking for org crafters

    In-game name: Devon Stewart Firearms level: 56 Bank balance: 400k, 1.9mill when I sell drugs Crafting level: I don't know, high though.
  5. Casey Heller

    being able to get in car trunks

    Very true, however, there are some cars that don't have this feature. I guess those could be exceptions? But even then, someone could just probably punch out the backlight from the trunk.
  6. Casey Heller

    Remington 870 recoil and accuracy.

    The Remington 870 has to be chambered (pumped) every shot with it, it makes no sense to raise the recoil when the person aiming has to reset their shot every single bullet.
  7. Casey Heller

    .50 cal power

    No vote attached would vote yes.
  8. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Deadman switch bomb

    Another problem with this would be just running straight out when your base is being raided by cops in regals or slums, and that would just be completely redundant of 3.4/3.6
  9. Casey Heller

    Happened to anyone else?

    @Sneaky Okay, the last one actually got me XD
  10. Casey Heller

    [Daily Routine] What Do u do?

    You still exist?
  11. Casey Heller

    Call of Duty®: Warzone - 150 Player F2P Battle Royale

    Plunder is just Battlefield Hardline Bank Heist.
  12. Casey Heller


    Brought to you by MS Paint.
  13. Casey Heller


  14. Casey Heller

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    "Schools will close when there is a reported person with it in my county. " Seriously? My city has 11 cases and no schools closing! I think at least a quarter of my school would have to be confirmed corona before school even gets delayed.
  15. Casey Heller

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    Most of these deaths are from the elderly or those with a serious life-altering pre-existing condition.
  16. Casey Heller

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    Can confirm, I am the school.
  17. Casey Heller


    Just make it orange, that's all you gotta do
  18. Casey Heller

    Police Deputy Chief Of Department and Current Affairs

    Just a quickie, but what sort of changes would you like to see in terms of recruitment and training?
  19. Casey Heller

    DEBATE: Who's at fault here????

    I don't think you are in any position to talk about contracts, legality, or money. #BetterSafeThanSorry
  20. Casey Heller

    PERP Images that are cursed and / or portray an emotional scene.

    When you drop a spoon in the kitchen at 2am @Bolli
  21. Casey Heller

    New Players

    "Helper" role
  22. Casey Heller

    New Players

    Yes. This. @rogue you wanna voice another set of videos?!?
  23. Casey Heller

    New Players

    theres a clock app on the ingame phone... You also have a RL phone.
  24. Casey Heller

    New Players

    @Creepis this I can get behind. It makes since the more advanced system has a better payout. That, and it costs more to make.
  25. Casey Heller

    New Players

    But would it unbalance the game?
  26. Casey Heller

    New Players

    > I think an advanced drug system for CriminalRP is important. Some criminal's style of being a criminal is only carjacking, some is in only dealing with drugs, others are just mugging/robbing people. I think there are now plenty of different and interesting ways to be a criminal that has not...
  27. Casey Heller

    New Players

    I do like this. I do remember on the latest update log that Samuel mentioned something about missions, so if we are lucky, they will involve NPCs. The thing is, I think that some things may have to be kept to the popup (for example, controls, in a list of movements, inventory, using the phone...
  28. Casey Heller

    New Players

    Maybe a sort of popup that appears on the side of the screen that outlines controls/features/functions/howto, and would easily be dismissable via a function key? Maybe place it in the same place the Mayoral Ballot appears, have it slide into frame, and have the box of info explain the purpose...
  29. Casey Heller


  30. Casey Heller

    GREAT Staff team! GREAT community!

    Yes, but this is more towards those who maybe aren't immediately disqualified, but don't have the best reputation, or maybe, those who do meet it and would be great, but the factor of technicality when it comes to meeting the requirements comes into play.