Search results

  1. selrahc

    Action Request (JUGGALO RYDA)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: JUGGALO RYDA Player's Roleplay Name: Jose Velga Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:537579455 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 , Ran away in cuffs and tried to drown...
  2. selrahc

    Action Request (Smite)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: Smite Player's Roleplay Name: Kaito Haruto Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:600217467 Why should this player be punished?: Randomly appeared at subs 11 after pd had cleared the...
  3. selrahc

    Action Request (Sorle)

    im gonna reply to this in the morning
  4. selrahc

    Action Request (Sorle)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: Sorle Player's Roleplay Name: Blippy Kosherberg Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51990442 Why should this player be punished?: Ran into the police department during a pd a raid...
  5. selrahc

    Action Request (aloo89 , mphf)
  6. selrahc

    Action Request (Gerrshwin , Universal Credit Spender , Ryan , Matthew , Honkerst)

    Im linking to an account that is somewhat personal and would appreciate to not have an influx of hate or targeting towards it
  7. selrahc

    Action Request (Gerrshwin , Universal Credit Spender , Ryan , Matthew , Honkerst)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: Gerrshwin , Universal Credit Spender , Ryan , Matthew , Honkerst Player's Roleplay Name: Oscar Clayton, Steve Phromkraft ,Ryan Coin, Joe Dixon, Baker Foe Player's SteamID...
  8. selrahc

    Action Request (Brian Hickman)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: dijwarmeric12 Player's Roleplay Name: Brian Hickman Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:550630494 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 broke gunpoint. Turned and faced me and upon...
  9. selrahc

    Action Request (travis)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: @travis Player's Roleplay Name: Louis Trump Player's SteamID: Why should this player be punished?: While being gun pointed immediately alerted...
  10. selrahc

    Ban Dispute (headline)
  11. selrahc

    Action Request (No Idea)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: No Idea Player's Roleplay Name: Bobby Abudhabi , Sam Shady Player's SteamID: n/a Why should this player be punished?: Bobby - Ignored Gunpoint for an extended period of...
  12. selrahc

    Should Reshade Be Allowed?

    All the people asking for reshade to be allowed should be getting constant demo requests at this point
  13. selrahc

    Map Suggestion Wheelchair Infrastructure

    fuck em.
  14. selrahc

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    I am not arguing the semantics onto actual noticeable raiders or noticeable crimes. I am arguing on the non obvious ones.
  15. selrahc

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding Suggestion Description: If you are apart of an active raid or have already fired your weapon you must keep it out and not go incognito to wait for more combat. Why should this be added?: - Prevents people from power gaming and pretending to be afk- prevents people...
  16. selrahc

    Action Request (Not a clue)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: Not a clue Player's Roleplay Name: Madison Gardner Player's SteamID: I have no idea Why should this player be punished?: Racism , Fail rp , disconnecting to avoid arrest. All of...
  17. selrahc

    Server owner breaks rules

    You clearly started it , you were coming right at him.
  18. selrahc

    Action Request (smdttonyv3)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: smdttonyv3 Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Kemp Player's SteamID: 76561198978301119 Why should this player be punished?: Rolled up on an active police investigation , delayed...
  19. selrahc

    Server Suggestion Make a mixture for loading magazines into guns

    Suggestion Title: Make a mixture for loading magazines into guns Suggestion Description: Make a mixture for crafting that could put a magazine (empty or loaded) into a firearm Why should this be added?: - It would save some time if you are mass crafting guns for an order instead of having to...
  20. selrahc

    Server Suggestion Put a limit on the amount of cars you can steal

    Suggestion Title: Put a limit on the amount of cars you can steal Suggestion Description: Put a limit on how many cars you can steal per hour/day/etc Why should this be added?: What negatives could this have?: - People will no longer be able to hoard players stolen cars for hours on end...
  21. selrahc

    Refund Request (selrahc)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Reason for Request: Someone tiered my car recklessly driving Requested Items: $16000 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @MoonStars
  22. selrahc

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    Will accept when I come home Sunday night have military obligations for the weekend
  23. selrahc

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    My bodycam software was not running so no I can not.
  24. selrahc

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    Honestly I was backing up and looking behind me you can see it in the clip. When I realized what was happening I was already committed to it so I followed through.
  25. selrahc

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    I was already reversing , I was looking through my backup cam. When I looked back I was already halfway out of the spot and looking at a man gun pointing me screaming hands up. My foot was already on the gas so I threw my hands up.
  26. selrahc

    Action Request (nowaydecent)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: nowaydecent Player's Roleplay Name: Tyrese Purpp Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138897526 Why should this player be punished?: I was stationed outside projex because of...
  27. selrahc

    Goodbye / giveaway

    Charles Itilia
  28. selrahc

    Police Suggestion Automated Warrant/Wanted System

    Suggestion Title: Automated Warrant/Wanted System Suggestion Description: For when there are zero supervisors on duty , to add warrants/wanted/bolos to players Why should this be added?: Late night crime is a real issue being that you can do whatever/whenever you want crime wise because if...
  29. selrahc

    Action Request (n/a)

    Your Steam Name: selrahc Your Roleplay Name: Charles Itilia Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54484467 Player's Steam Name: n/a Player's Roleplay Name: Nathan Wymar Player's SteamID: Why should this player be punished?: Shot someone inside of bazaar , dc'd then rejoined and got into another...
  30. selrahc

    Action Request (Selrahc)

    Yeah I pushed you off could hear you talking about doing something to the apartment on the phone. Asked you to leave and you did not as most raid scouts do as soon as asked. Not to mention almost as soon as you died your teammate came running up the stairs and started bobby pinning our door...