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  1. McYeke

    He's been enforcer for one day and his pictures already changed to a woman in a bikini

    He's been enforcer for one day and his pictures already changed to a woman in a bikini
  2. McYeke

    Thanking you :)

    Thanking you :)
  3. McYeke

    For my buddy Wylde

    I was the one who cuffed you once revived. It was pretty intentional, even if people knew he was there, you just highlighted where he is by screaming out loud to the entire server, one does not "accidentally" call out a location?
  4. McYeke

    For my buddy Wylde

    *involved* As you can see in his own video he was ran over and timed out once revived, he also used OOC to basically blare out joe's location whilst the RP sit was going on so anyone who was in the bank raid knew joes location, this forced joe to have to move. Including his video...
  5. McYeke


  6. McYeke

    Dashcam videos - Best of them

    Callum I need a chauffeur to take me places, personal Uber?
  7. McYeke

    nah, long range headshots ;)

    nah, long range headshots ;)
  8. McYeke

    EWWW im a tobjorn main, so i require skill, <3

    EWWW im a tobjorn main, so i require skill, <3
  9. McYeke


  10. McYeke

    Stripper Music

    Reminds me of when I was in turkey and some tranny pulled my 6 year old step brother on stage and made him sign it with "it" lmao!
  11. McYeke
  12. McYeke


    I will tell you now, you have rebinded keys at some point, look through your bindss and modify
  13. McYeke

    Account removal request

    Wouldn't it be an idea to do a SAR (Subject Access Request) first via PMing one of the owners, finding out WHAT data they have then asking for the "right to forget"
  14. McYeke

    I'll laugh if you failed it :P

    I'll laugh if you failed it :P
  15. McYeke

    Adding a wheel clamp to RTU

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Adding a wheel clamp to RTU officers Full description of the idea: Since the Road Traffic unit specialize in road traffic offences, why wouldn't they have one, in terms of laws like 12.4, asset forfeiture...
  16. McYeke

    hi im aquaa

    at times yaes
  17. McYeke

    hi im aquaa

    Hi, We need more of our times again :(
  18. McYeke

    Battlefield V

    who needs recoil with an M60, I mean fuck physics right?
  19. McYeke

    Battlefield V

    Well this is WW2 set, at least give them proper clothing for that period, not printed t-shirts with attempted "bad ass" logos on Then the blue fucking face paint that is brighter than a glow stick? This article kinda sums up how I feel: Forbes
  20. McYeke

    Battlefield V

    I didn't quite understand that either, looked more like a blackops mess than a Battlefield game, and the game looks really fucking bright too from this trailer that claims is "gameplay"
  21. McYeke

    Battlefield V

    Im pretty sure the ginger woman with the sniper dies then just decides shes gonna jump out the window too
  22. McYeke

    Battlefield V

    Let's start a discussion based off this "reveal" of Battlefield V IDK why but to me it feels like they are running out of ideas and it is slowly turning into (but not as bad) Call of Duty franchise.
  23. McYeke

    same thing in logical sense, popping someone is the term for killing them

    same thing in logical sense, popping someone is the term for killing them
  24. McYeke

    you contradicted yourself

    you contradicted yourself
  25. McYeke

    Lester Hall

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Yeke / OWen Platypus His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Beetle / Lester Hall His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94850236 Why Should This Player Be Punished: As seen in the video below, he gunpoints me for an unknown reason to release a male he does not know, nor is the male ending...
  26. McYeke

    Grats man

    Grats man
  27. McYeke

    Mr Tyla Jai

    So that's why @Allen Kennedy wasn't responding to org chat....
  28. McYeke

    CALLUM!!!!!!!! hi

    CALLUM!!!!!!!! hi
  29. McYeke

    Fuck Zergs [Actual Suggestions]

    shti wrong person lmao
  30. McYeke

    Fuck Zergs [Actual Suggestions]

    Sorry to necro but this is an awesome idea personally, hard to enforce yes but it might encourage people to go their own ways, IC beef is fun af, just look at each time @MrVenomX1 tries to raid McYeke's never makes me sad, I just laugh at it, usually because randoms get involved and kick the...