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  1. McYeke

    [Promotion] Senior Officer Oliver Wescott (Nathanchan149)

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PROMOTION Forum Name: @Nathanchan149 Rank: Officer Promoted Rank: Senior Officer
  2. McYeke

    Happy Birthday Prime Minister

    Happy Birthday Prime Minister
  3. McYeke

    yeah, good luck trying to get unbanned after that, it's never tolerated in the slightest

    yeah, good luck trying to get unbanned after that, it's never tolerated in the slightest
  4. McYeke

    seems you tried to ban evade, gl

    seems you tried to ban evade, gl
  5. McYeke

    Don't know if you're going blind but the shroom is still there...

    Don't know if you're going blind but the shroom is still there.. Also there isnt any editing from what I can see.
  6. McYeke

    Going live in half an hour for my stream!

    Going live in half an hour for my stream!
  7. McYeke


    why pay for expensive clothes, I don't get it? me im quite happy with a £10 pair of trackie bottoms from Primark
  8. McYeke

    Dispatcher AFK Timer Edit

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Edit the AFK Timer for dispatchers on-duty Full description of the idea: When on duty, dispatchers are not plagued by AFK messages or auto kicked for being sat in their chair...
  9. McYeke

    up to you man :)

    up to you man :)
  10. McYeke

    PERPHeads Tekkit - Team Survival Antics

    Hello all, Set up a means of communications on Discord so no cheaty business; Once you are in and i pay attention me or @ShadowJoey will assign you to your correct team to then you can join your specific team area :)
  11. McYeke

    will have to fill my stream in for a few hours then lmao

    will have to fill my stream in for a few hours then lmao
  12. McYeke

    Friday aftienoon around 3PM yes?

    Friday aftienoon around 3PM yes?
  13. McYeke

    I'd love Segways on perp with ELS, would be funny af

    I'd love Segways on perp with ELS, would be funny af
  14. McYeke

    Bazaar Security

    Here is one of your officers calling for urgent backup after realising that a Mini-Cooper outran him on his Segway
  15. McYeke

    sexual activities with a gun GONE WRONG

    well, don't lick near the trigger :Triggered:
  16. McYeke BRB Screen for charity

    Hi Guys, So I am doing a live-stream for Make-A-Wish Foundation soon and I am looking to make my "BRB" Screen look better than what it currently is; If anyone could make a nice looking one that compliments the theme of the Make-A-Wish Foundation then I would appreciate it so much!
  17. McYeke


  18. McYeke - windows offline 64 bit - windows offline 64 bit
  19. McYeke
  20. McYeke

    PERPHeads Tekkit - Team Survival Antics

    Minecraft IGN: Genesis_Yeke Team you are joining: Greggs Additional Comments: We will dominate the bakers market, this includes Pound Bakery and their flaccid sausage rolls!
  21. McYeke

    how, im at work lmao

    how, im at work lmao
  22. McYeke

    PHCEA Paralake High Court Enforcement Agency

    PHCEA Paralake High Court Enforcement Agency
  23. McYeke


  24. McYeke

    allow cpl+ pto's

    Since this is academy related and I cannot comment on the procedures made by them, this is something that should be taken up /w the academy command, CoD(s) and the IT Dept, when PO there could be a separate area that only Command Staff, and PTO/PTAs can see and monitor the progress of that way...
  25. McYeke

    Converting AVI to MP4

    If you have Sony Vegas on your PC, put them in one by one then render them as MP4 = High quality vids 0 watermarks or use an online converter
  26. McYeke

    To those who has no clue who I am

    Still have no fucking clue who you are but welcome back to the forums? you lurker!
  27. McYeke

    TFW you have more subs on Yt than me :'(

    TFW you have more subs on Yt than me :'(
  28. McYeke

    Welcome back!!!!

    Welcome back!!!!
  29. McYeke

    you want to be popular not lonely ;)

    you want to be popular not lonely ;)
  30. McYeke

    Thought I accepted it like 4 hours ago?

    Thought I accepted it like 4 hours ago?