PERPHeads Tekkit - Team Survival Antics

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Nottingham, England

PERPHeads Tekkit Tournament
A couple years back, @Medulla made a tekkit tournament that exceeded its original expectations and ended up being a very enjoyable adventure on, what seems to be, a old and boring game. A link to his post can be found here and you will be able to see all the ideas that I've stole from him.

With Chris's permission, I am going to be recreating this tournament under similar rules to his. Until further notice, I will be hosting the server with Tekkit Lite (hyper-link in the title picture). and will be open for suggestions regarding additional mods or plugins, for the server. The only planned plugin will be some basic rankings and some team systems.

Similarly to Chris's version, there will be a few enforced rules and the server will not be up all the time to avoid sweaty little try-hards, who will play for twenty hours straight, getting a massive advantage over other players.

The requirements to join the game are as follows:
-You must be a part of a team of 2 or more players
-Max Team size of 8
-You must not be community wide banned
-You must have no prominent history of cheating in non-meme games VAC, ESEA, FaceIt, EAC etc.
-Not be a troll :troll:

The main aim of the game is to make some sort of automatic industry, there will be no proclaimed winner/award, it will just be played until one team is pretty much dominating other players.

Tekkit Rules
Both parties must agree to fight before you can start. (Being a coward is punishable)
Stealing is not allowed when not at war with other players.
Death: If you die, you can do /back unless you were killed in combat.
Using exploits is not allowed.
No logging out during combat.
Modified clients are not allowed in anyway.
Building must be realistic (no floaty shit) - Unless it’s made to look like technology is powering it.
Do not manufacture the following until at a permitted stage in the game:​
-Nukes or any large explosive
-Rings in general
-Anything excessively destructive​
Bases must be visible at all times
Teams may not exceed 6 amount of members
If you get fukt, try start up again or piss off
If you break the rules, to the point where you ruin someone else's time completely, you will be banned.

Fill out these forms in order to register interest.
There's two, one to register a team, and one to join a team. Take note: this is no application section, and you should sort out whether someone will let you into their team over steam rather than just deciding in this post. Before you are added to the spreadsheet, the team leader will have to comment on your post confirming that you are in.

If you are registering a team, please fill out both applications

Team Name:
Team Slogan:
Team Focus (give a rough idea of what you will be doing):
Team Emblem:
Confirmed Team Members (update as changed):

Minecraft IGN:
Team you are joining:
Additional Comments:

Credit to Chris for letting me nick over half is old post.

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Team Name: Greggs
Team Slogan: From sandwiches to pasties, pick a great deal for breakfast and lunch at your local Greggs today.
Team Focus (give a rough idea of what you will be doing): Making an enjoyable bakery for the community.
Team Emblem:

Confirmed Team Members (update as changed):

@Eviction Notice
@Thomas DeSimone
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Team Name: Team Dog
Team Slogan: Bork xd
Team Focus (give a rough idea of what you will be doing): We will be dominating the rest of the teams with our vast knowledge
Team Emblem:

Confirmed Team Members (update as changed):

And me
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Minecraft IGN: Genesis_Yeke
Team you are joining: Greggs
Additional Comments: We will dominate the bakers market, this includes Pound Bakery and their flaccid sausage rolls!
Minecraft IGN: yungmemelord
Team you are joining: Dog
Additional Comments: skrrrrt
Minecraft IGN: itzsonzy
Team you are joining: Dog
Additional Comments: pls add mod so when your hit it makes a good old roblox oof
Minecraft IGN: Momo1255
Team you are joining: The Matiz Factory
Additional Comments:
^ bad team name