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  1. McYeke

    Can't access site/server-Connection timed out

    Have you tried a "Hard Refresh" by holding & pressing CTRL + F5
  2. McYeke

    Williams Street

    If I look at an org, I would rather see it in a formality rather than looking like a "Tiddywinkles day care/nursery" leaflet TL: DR get rid of your rainbow colours, it's aids.
  3. McYeke

    don't think he will be here within 24 hrs

    don't think he will be here within 24 hrs
  4. McYeke

    I'm going to make an AR!

    If someone is AFK and they are being raided, if given adequate time to follow the orders before shooting, it's fine to end them since ICly, they are not co-operating,. However if they are sat in a room where there is a "friend" wallbanging the raiders and the raiders do the safe to which he is...
  5. McYeke


  6. McYeke

    Ermak YT Channel

    Why Cars? I'd rather see you play Halo:CE
  7. McYeke

    If you could go back in time?

    I'd go back in time to 1977 when Star Wars VI: A New Hope was being filmed and try and get an acting role, would love to a part of the SW franchise
  8. McYeke

    [DD] Diamond Dogs - Paralake Division

    So @Tom Hill as a Diamond dog, I take it you like your diamonds, heard Jennifer's has a sale, half off. Jokes aside, are you a paramilitary force that specialists in Law and Order or just defense of your own? Either way I want in ;)
  9. McYeke

    Your first job as policy officer -> get our danm shottys changed!

    Your first job as policy officer -> get our danm shottys changed!
  10. McYeke

    pre-loading SWBF2 Closed Alpha :D

    pre-loading SWBF2 Closed Alpha :D
  11. McYeke
  12. McYeke

    i think he pulled his Ticket book pmsl!

    i think he pulled his Ticket book pmsl!
  13. McYeke

    [CLOSED] Can't see shout box

    Take a screenshot and show us, if you see the bar saying "Shoutbox" try click it and see if it isnt somehow minimised
  14. McYeke

    It was fun!

    I am pretty sure I introduced you to perp (well you stalked me into the gamemode)
  15. McYeke

    ShadowJoeys Life Talk with a Cold Caller 00:41:00 Start 00:48:00 end This is amusing as fuck @ShadowJoey
  16. McYeke streaming PUBG with Shadowjoey, Spaceshots, Murtsley also @ShadowJoey... streaming PUBG with Shadowjoey, Spaceshots, Murtsley also @ShadowJoey gave some top advice to a Cold Caller
  17. McYeke

    7.1 fireworks edit

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: change What law do you wish to change/add: Why should this change/addition be made: I believe it should be changed as "It is an offence for a person without prior authorisation from the Paralake Police Department to ignite a firework within any...
  18. McYeke

    12.15: Following distance

    Issue is, what defines a "car length", you would have to set a logical standard as you have length of an escalade to the length of a Mini
  19. McYeke

    Increase FPS (Windows 10 & ANY OTHER SYSTEM)

    Hello all, This is one way you can increase your FPS when playing games (without game optimiser) So if you have Windows 10, you more than likely have the "Xbox App" From there you need to go to your settings Now head to Game DVR and turn off the following setting; (switch it off) This...
  20. McYeke


    Turns out, one of my system 32 driers got corrupted and locked me in safe mode, now trying to reinstall windows -_-
  21. McYeke


    Hi all, I got an issue with PUBG, when I start it I cannot get past: Not sure how to fix, tried this Bcedit however its blocked by secure boot
  22. McYeke

    Need a new Hard Drive docking station

    @Feng Yamaguchi didnt mean to quote you lol meant to try quote Deltas comment on your post like a tit Yes, I used one for 2 years, runs games at standard speed as a HDD
  23. McYeke

    Rip all your saved Pornhub passwords.

    Rip all your saved Pornhub passwords.
  24. McYeke

    New Rule: Forceful Removal from a vehicle

    Something I am going to add here; I do not believe it would be viable in all situations to GP and kill, if you have the chance to make them flee as opposed to straight up killing fair enough but if all other options are exhausted and keeping them alive would hamper your chances of living i.e...
  25. McYeke

    New Rule: Forceful Removal from a vehicle

    What rule do you wish to Add: Forced removal from vehicle and execution Your version of the rule: Users may not in any circumstance force any person out of their vehicle(s) just for an execution unless all other options have been exhausted (Example: Cop pulls over someone who is friends with...
  26. McYeke

    I have security so I am fine

    I have security so I am fine
  27. McYeke

    stop being shit at perp then ;)

    stop being shit at perp then ;)
  28. McYeke

    50 shades of Husky

    50 shades of Husky
  29. McYeke

    /me whips out cock /desc is 0.5"

    /me whips out cock /desc is 0.5"
  30. McYeke

    /desc Knows husky isn't loved

    /desc Knows husky isn't loved