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  1. Cup Master

    Scrap yard

    I didn't say anything toxic in ooc rather the fact saying you're getting an ar unless I get that pistol back I guess that pistol was worth much more than a ban
  2. Cup Master

    AR on Cup

    You had like 6 different people to visit my profile and insult me I deleted some of them but your's still there I wont delete it plus you were the one started again you said guys dont talk to him he'll cry and make an ar about you why wont you post that everyone uses /help as a ooc just like...
  3. Cup Master

    Scrap yard

    You guys been playing more than me you should be setting example for me to show me what's wrong and what's good
  4. Cup Master

    Scrap yard

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Cup_master / Charle Dynasty His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sean / ToeRag2k6 His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:0:165899023 / STEAM_1:1:102767676 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: They broke nlr to grab their pistol when I killed them Evidence: Btw when I was...
  5. Cup Master

    AR on Cup_Master

    Ok I now I understand about the building rules btw you need to have a gate that can fit 2 people just for clarification and like I said im new to building I bought those building a while back but made this loadout like 3 days ago cops raided me and haven't said anything
  6. Cup Master

    AR on Cup_Master

    Its my first time building base defense ive seen people block entrance I don't see anything wrong with that and the barricade isn't floating if I couldn't put it down since its stuck and the fence you literally can go through it plus I didn't know the barricade is a head glitch I can perfectly...
  7. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    Thank you he says that shit to me saying im a 12 year old virgin he's a fucking dick and wants to ride mine
  8. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    @Google Chrome Its funny cause you said im being toxic to fintuss why would I be toxic to you guys?? you weren't there what made me be toxic towards you tell me why is it because you were harassing me in ooc and spamming??? both of you Why aren't you insulting me in this ar huh?
  9. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    I did say I was toxic im not as bad as them I dont want to waste my time giving them what ive said because im reporting ryan and google apparently they have proof let them break their backs dude.... I joined the fucking game and instantly ryan has some shit to say he needs to shut the fuck up...
  10. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    youre good
  11. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    gnome you said you have 2 dads you're obviously adopted I never said kys and I probably did say faggot btw nice proof guys keep on ranting and not provide any proof AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENS OUT OF THE BLUE FOR NO REASON...
  12. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    Im saying it nicely and you're still going on even when I joined the server you called me out
  13. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    Yea lets not be toxic here huh great to see you shape up as you saw this :)
  14. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    I did stop and you can check the logs it wasn't for 30 mins I have full videos can you stop exaggerating it it was like atleast 15mins and I stopped Its funny cause after I finished all my ooc chat I started to be calmer you dont say a thing about that you're not a wtiness you were busy shooting...
  15. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    btw ive flamed them aswell im in the wrong too but they just get into my head they want me to flame for some reason They spam the ooc chat which makes me mad
  16. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying As soon as I made the fking report and joined back the server this happens this guy really wants my dick
  17. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    the video is him breaking rp
  18. Cup Master

    Breaking rp and bullying

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Charle Dynasty His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Deshawn mendez / (Google gnome) His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555 / STEAM_0:1:191086074 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Deshawn mendez always flames me in ooc I came back from a 1 week ban and as soon as I came back he...
  19. Cup Master

    AR On Cup_Master

    I dont think its against the rule gping some1 at garage cause the npc has no visual of who did it so technically we are the only ones that know about this and the report is not only the fact that I robbed him its mainly because I didn't let him have time which I repeated twice and he still...
  20. Cup Master

    AR On Cup_Master

    nice video my proof is there have fun :) nice try tho
  21. Cup Master

    AR On Cup_Master

    I had the same issue even thought I gave him time people dont give time so I dont see anything wrong
  22. Cup Master

    AR On Cup_Master

    He speed it up it seems like I killed him right off the bat that's what he's doing trying to frame me cause he's literally just a retard that thinks he's smart sorry for my language I told this guy he's wasting his time so he makes it seem like he's the victim
  23. Cup Master

    When you try to help sweaters in 2019

    definitely not me
  24. Cup Master

    AR on Marcus Hudson

    My point is that he admitted he was trolling us and trying to rdm like I said before he just wanted to have fun he said that I then accepted his apologize and became friends...... We weren't abusing anything...... Marcus didn't admitted to kill sweaters he was threatining
  25. Cup Master

    Looool fr thanks for helping me out also im new to the server only had like 7 hours when we meet...

    Looool fr thanks for helping me out also im new to the server only had like 7 hours when we meet each other lol
  26. Cup Master

    AR on Marcus Hudson

    HE said that cause he was mad jared was trolling he admitted it to me and said sorry I said its cool
  27. Cup Master

    AR on Marcus Hudson

    What basically you see is what we did in self defense we did chase him cause he made me bleed and I was telling the location to the police while he was on the run and then I soon relized that cops werent on as you can see we haven't been doing anything we knock them out and then tell them to...