Breaking rp and bullying

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Cup Master

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Charle Dynasty
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Deshawn mendez / (Google gnome)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555 / STEAM_0:1:191086074
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Deshawn mendez always flames me in ooc I came back from a 1 week ban and as soon as I came back he flames ooc saying im a cry baby and turns the whole server against me / Google gnome aswell
Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: idk what tick means
I hopefully they get banned for couple of days they've been flaming me everytime I had something to say in this situation it was because of a cop cuffing me when I saw him shooting at people and I told him you're abusing your authority and you can get me killed and I end up dying because of him
In conclusion I would like them banned so they can learn the consequence of being a bully and always turning the whole server against me they also act like witnesses so they can get me banned (Btw I can send you the video of the cop who cuffed me while he was in a shootout and got me killed)
btw ive flamed them aswell im in the wrong too but they just get into my head they want me to flame for some reason
They spam the ooc chat which makes me mad
Witness to OOC claim, Cup has been increadibly toxic in ooc for a good 30 mins prior to this ar both parties were bad but neither stopped, this ar is out of spite as no one backed cup in the ooc wars
I did stop and you can check the logs it wasn't for 30 mins I have full videos can you stop exaggerating it it was like atleast 15mins and I stopped Its funny cause after I finished all my ooc chat I started to be calmer you dont say a thing about that you're not a wtiness you were busy shooting people

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....706/DF2E3949D61975750BDEFB603F62F3A5C4ADE33D/ do you see this or no im trying to be nice and this happens
Yup I am im equally worst than him you're right dude you are a witness you're seeing everything
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Yea lets not be toxic here huh great to see you shape up as you saw this :)
Im saying it nicely and you're still going on even when I joined the server you called me out
And you were crying in ooc I bet everyone that was on by the time we played can confirm this, you were being really salty about fintuss cuffing you and bullying me as well as being disrespectful towards us
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Atleast you admitted that you were toxic aswell, why not provide pictures of it then?
Like honestly, you're trying to make google and ryan look like the bad guys here.
Yesterday you started it with me after I had cuffed you and then you started ranting in chat and being toxic. Both parties have obviously been toxic to eachother and I doubt this AR will go anywhere just because of that sole reason.

Also, they are not turning the server against you, you are turning it against you yourself by still talking in OOC, now be quiet in OOC and you wont have people being toxic towards you.
I did say I was toxic im not as bad as them I dont want to waste my time giving them what ive said because im reporting ryan and google apparently they have proof let them break their backs

dude.... I joined the fucking game and instantly ryan has some shit to say he needs to shut the fuck up look at all the pictures dude ive had it enough and he does turn the server against me I hear him "crying" in ooc and nobody says shit

I actually appreciate the fact that you didn't exaggerated the fact that I was incredibly toxic like the first guy that literally has nothing to do with this
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