Search results

  1. Tomiko

    CCTV system in city hall

    Topic: CCTV system in City hall Short explanation (in notes): -Able to watch the city hall as the SS -Easier job for the SS to identify if "visitors" are heavily armed to contact the police in the right time -Have at least some fun as the SS Detailed description (why should it become...
  2. Tomiko

    Thanks so much man :)

    Thanks so much man :)
  3. Tomiko

    Danke Schön! Nub :))) :D

    Danke Schön! Nub :))) :D
  4. Tomiko

    Thanks man! :)

    Thanks man! :)
  5. Tomiko

    Oh hey buddy! Thanks so much man! :)

    Oh hey buddy! Thanks so much man! :)
  6. Tomiko

    Thanks so much man :)

    Thanks so much man :)
  7. Tomiko

    Happy Birthday :)

    Happy Birthday :)
  8. Tomiko

    Postal 2 giveaway (3 copy's)

    Gimme shum, plox.
  9. Tomiko

    Jedi Council

    Siths are better ._. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
  10. Tomiko

    AFK Edit

    ''1+3 ='' Dayum, I will need a calculator.
  11. Tomiko

    AyJay's Resignation

    Well, that was quick.
  12. Tomiko

    My Resignation

    I missed something, I will buy you a new toy, just for you Devils :)). You will really like it.
  13. Tomiko

    My Resignation

    My Devils-son is leaving?! I will miss you my luf. :( You were my most favorite Moderator. :)
  14. Tomiko

    Free beta codes for Rainbow 6 siege.

    I gave him winning, because he's c*nt.
  15. Tomiko

    Thank you so much

    Nuuu, Danny nuu :(
  16. Tomiko


    Well I dont know, I got a bad feeling about you, I feel a Dark side here. Well, I hope that you are going to act mature. :)
  17. Tomiko

    The German Mafia

    So how you doin' German mafia? Well I hope better than this video.
  18. Tomiko


    What kind of Ugly noob is that?!
  19. Tomiko

    Police Forces - Ambulance - Fire Crew

    Funny thing is, that I see everything over and over, too many Swedish/Norway/Danish/English Police forces, something original bitte? :o
  20. Tomiko

    Nein Venomine, DU bist eine scheiße :o Mein Deutsch, sehr gut.

    Nein Venomine, DU bist eine scheiße :o Mein Deutsch, sehr gut.
  21. Tomiko

    List of suggestions

    Topic: Suitcase Short explanation (in notes): -You can transport more stuff in it and might be nice addition for someone, who roleplays as buisness man/lawyer (watching you Eddie Grey) -Can be used to trade with drugs and money -Equipable thing, that is part of you Detailed description (why...
  22. Tomiko

    In-Character Name Change

    Oh thank you, I will use that word ''Paki'' :eek: (Tell a kid to not, and It will do that -> Tomiko)
  23. Tomiko

    The German Mafia

    ah mein gott...
  24. Tomiko

    Inactivity for while

    Alright guys, you could kinda noticed, that I'm not on server that often, well, I kinda was fet up with it, now I'm going to Germany by area of Soest for week, so I hope I wont see anyone of you in real life :kappa: I will try to be active back again after that week, so Goodbye. :)
  25. Tomiko

    Favorite Police Film's

  26. Tomiko

    Recommending Madda and Prepper

    Nah, Madda is bad boy, he doesnt deserve anything nice ._. Hi Madda :)
  27. Tomiko

    PassiveRP - Discussion

    I would really like to see PassiveRP, I dont really need Half-Life 2 Roleplay Passive style, where you can walk around city for 30 minutes and nothing will happen or sit on bench for 15 minutes and type with someone, but I would like to see some aswell. :)
  28. Tomiko

    Favorite song thread (no banter (seriously))

    To be honest, you might now discovered, that I like metal. :o Next I do really enjoy soundtracks of movies and games, but I dont want to spam that thread.
  29. Tomiko

    The Paralake Partnership

    The Paralake Partnership High Command. (Application picture)
  30. Tomiko

    Daymon & Aaron's amazing Roleplaying skills.

    Well, when I didnt watch, i thought that I accidently played any fettish video or something.