Thank you so much

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So, here we are. On the 13th June, I was accepted for Enforcer with Arron/Faith, and now 3 months or so later I am resigning from my position.

As some of you may have noticed, my activity has dropped quite a bit lately. This is partially due to college, but mainly due to my lack of interest in the server itself. Instead of wanting to go on the server, I seem to be dragging myself on, which is evidence to me that something isn’t right. As a staff member, you obviously need to be active, and I feel that over time my activity will be dropping more and more, until I simply just don’t go on anymore and I am demoted. Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people out and all that, but honestly when you are forcing yourself to connect to the server, it’s clear something has to change. This has nothing to do with other members resigning, as I have been thinking about this for a while, and been trying to get back into moderating, but it just isn’t happening.

Instead of tagging every single staff member, I just want to thank all of them in one paragraph. Honestly, you have all been great, and have helped me so much during my time as a moderator/enforcer. You all do a brilliant job, and the server would not be where it is today without you lot.

Just as a heads up, no, this is not a leaving post. I will come on every now and again to try and gain some interest, and will be on the forums regularly to see what’s new, and keep in touch with people I am friendly with.

It really has been great guys, and I appreciate the opportunity that I was given. If you have any questions, feel free to ask through the forums, on team speak or on steam.

Many thanks, Danny.

Later Skaters
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You were an absolutely amazing staff member! You had your head screwed on and knew exactly what you were doing, you could of gone far. Thanks for all your help to the community!
It's a shame to see you resign :(
Thanks for teaching me how to move threads Danny
Motherfucker, why do you do this to my, dark, dark heart?
Danny, you were one of the BEST staff members I've had the pleasure to make my bitch :kappa:

More staff spots @Alex_:D
Sad to see another great role model leave the staff team, I remember you back in your sweater days :) good luck mate!
Bye Danny :( You were a great member of staff and I am going to miss you! Good luck in the future my main man :)
For fucks sake!
What's next? EVERY staff member leaves and is replaced with a sweatervest weeaboo enforcer 11 year old russian (@ErmakDimon) ...
The amount of people leaving is just sad, and the amount of great staff members resigning is even sadder.

I swear, give the server 3 months, Fallout 4 comes out, more people leave, there will be about 2 staff members and 10 people who remember the time @Sdac2 squeaked the sentence "lets go man, fuck yes!".

seriously tho danny was a gr8 staff and will be missed.
It is a shame to see you go, Danny.
I am looking forward to seeing which future Enforcer can do a better job than you- probably non. I wish you the best of luck in college and future endeavors.

Throw me a message if you want to play something sometime.
Thanks for all of your efforts,
Nooooo your one of the only guys who answer my reports its a shame to see you go!! Well I hope you gain your interest on this server again and play! See you soon!
Is someone paying everyone to reisgn? Jeeze.

You know what I would of said to you danny, don't break your desk again :D