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  1. Tomiko

    Police Ranks

    Yea, that's pretty nice, now new players as Police officers wont put random road spikes on roads, but will it count people, that have played police for long time? Or they must play as Police officers from start, AGAIN. Anyway I hope that idea will get accepted.
  2. Tomiko

    police dont cross tape

    +Support, yes please. But will it be crossable or being a prop? I mean, like you can pass throught it, nothing barricades you, or just unmovable and you have to crouch or jump over it?
  3. Tomiko

    police data base

    Hey Moher, could you explain me, how it would work?
  4. Tomiko

    speed radar in cop cars

    +Support. Ye, I really like that idea and hope, that this will win.
  5. Tomiko

    Ban request against Mike Hammond

    Your Steam/In-game Name:IG: Tomiko Ashimura / Steam: His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IG: Mike Hammond / Steam: His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78044380 Reason: Leaving during RP situation: Being...
  6. Tomiko


    *Can someone lock this idea? It's actually suggested by anyone else*
  7. Tomiko


    Topic: Being able to search someone, without calling admin Short explanation (in notes): -Deletes liers -Being fine, without in need of help Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It should be added, because we all know, that people are not nice and probably will lie, if they...
  8. Tomiko

    Roadcrew Update

    Hey bra, what will be difference, between giving it to NPC or let it repair by RC?
  9. Tomiko

    Better cocaine.

    Yes please, I hope, that it changes inventory picture too, I was here, and gave +Support.
  10. Tomiko

    Put Factory+ Workers to it.

    Topic: Put Factory building and worker's slots for it. Short explanation (in notes): -Gives more RP, about protest against ''bad gasses'' and that stuff -More jobs to server Detailed description (why should it become added/...): There would be one guy, who leads whole factory ''Boss'' and...
  11. Tomiko

    Put in-game a rope for tying

    Topic: I'm suggesting about put a rope in game for tying people in, and you dont have to rely, if they would listen your tying. Short explanation (in notes): -No more rule breaks about tying. -Moar RP - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It would work like that: You would...
  12. Tomiko

    Budget cuts as a mayor

    -Support for Fire Engine, first of wall, I dont like it much, and for second, it's not needed +For some new police cars, mainly for Speed Enforcer, because his car is so slow... You almost have no chance to catch someone, VIP dodge charger goes almost faster then Speed Enforcer's car. :)
  13. Tomiko

    The Paralake Partnership - Application

    In-Game Name: Tomiko Ashimura Character's backstory: (Sometimes I change sex, so I will use She/He) She/He was living in city Kobajjep for 16 years with her/his familyl, then she moved with her family to Paralake city, because Kobajjep was really dangerous, Terrorist attacks started, battles...
  14. Tomiko

    Shop Signs

    Yes Please, tons of players are using props to sign their shop, now it would be better and easiler :P +Support
  15. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    Yes, there should be any ''Mini test'¨whitch will proof, if Police use it in good times or something. :) But it's on Modders, at least I will edit a post and put this to bunuses :) Thanks for Replies :)
  16. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    Just say, in real life, noone is asking about OP, Balance... If criminals want to make bad thing, then they can do it, but It will be hard. :)
  17. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    Thank you. :)
  18. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    aagaard, this is exacly that I thought
  19. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    Well, I guess, that most of ''gangsters'' dont like Offiicers, and say, that they are OP. Well, can anyone lock it? :)
  20. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    -support IRL police officers are not allowed to own any weapon except for pistols They dont? I cant agree with you. :/
  21. Tomiko

    Pump Shotgun for Police

    Topic: Give Police officiers Pumping Shotgun (Remington 870P). Short explanation (in notes): -Better Protection -More Realistic -Bigger arsenal for Police Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Well, at all of time normal police officiers has no chance against heavily...