Search results

  1. Kurze

    Cops and rule 3.4

    @flugs They full-on rammed 4 suspects and a civ(NPC) they had the advantage because the suspects got ragdolled and they were finished off. I'd hardly say it was strats that lead to their death, I'd say pure luck they all got ragdolled.
  2. Kurze

    Cops and rule 3.4

    So at the moment I've seen various things happening and I've been wondering about the following case: Recently, there was a mass shootout, and all cops but 2 cops stayed alive and a dispatch. Those 2 cops full-on went into the group and rammed them even though they knew there were at least 5...
  3. Kurze

    ar on kurze

    3.4 User broke in through the back door when seeing the shop was empty he should have left through the back door. Instead, he decided to gunpoint me and hold me at gunpoint and leave through the public exit. While holding me at gunpoint in the public place he told me to drop my weapon and put my...
  4. Kurze

    We need new players

    That would however be the best case, for something simple to inform people a video introduction would be the best idea for now. An interactive introduction would definitely be better!
  5. Kurze

    We need new players

    I'd be willing to help to give you idea's what the video should cover, editing and such im absolute dog at so cant help in that part. If you need me for idea's you can hmu on: Kurze#1427
  6. Kurze

    We need new players

    From my experience as a new player, I've seen certain people from an org leave new players alone, even donate money/guns to help them out. This is a form of way the community can help. Not the server owners but we as regular players. If we contribute towards those new players, help them out, get...
  7. Kurze

    We need new players

    IMO there should be a small video for starters where they can do the starting stuff example: Where to apply for city jobs/How to get money with alternative methods then jobs. I'm a fairly new player and I had some help with drugs and such in the beginning and I found it rather hard to navigate...
  8. Kurze

    Why most people do not RP

    That the situations could of easily been avoided and that you're complaining about getting arrested in a serious RP server while you should do your job.
  9. Kurze

    Why most people do not RP

    If you simply would have towed the car away seeing as that your job you could still continue your RP. As you were the only RC on duty at that moment until you got arrested.
  10. Kurze

    Why most people do not RP

    Might wanna add the full truth to your story there buddy. You were asked multiple times to come over and you straight up refused. You ended up screaming towards officers for " RP " and then tried to evade and ran one of us over.
  11. Kurze


    Ofcourse! Can't be staying on that thing :meh:
  12. Kurze

    Fire Extinguisher buff

    Description of the idea: Buffing the fire extinguisher would help in many situations when you're on duty as a cop. Currently using the fire extinguisher only puts out 3/4 little flames. When a fire appears for "reasons" it would be helpful if a citizen/cops could take down the fire without...
  13. Kurze


    Hello! My name is Kurze, my in-game name is Elijah Brown and I've been playing the server for about 1.5 months now and I've got to say that this is the most fun I've had with RP in a long while. I've played on various servers and community's and I have quite extensive experience while RPing...