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  1. Dapsas

    i will upload pictures,from my birthday,you will see me very drunk bro.

    i will upload pictures,from my birthday,you will see me very drunk bro.
  2. Dapsas

    Thank you everyone <3333

    Thank you everyone <3333
  3. Dapsas

    Thank You Very Much!!!

    Thank You Very Much!!!
  4. Dapsas

    @Trauk Sankaba refund request

    Yes,after some time moderator answered and gave me timestamp for RR.
  5. Dapsas

    @Trauk Sankaba refund request

    Thread starter New #1 Your in-game name: Trauk Sankaba Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56733990 What do you need refunded: Colt m19 pistol full magazine inside with pistol reflex sight,stage 2 car that costs 19800 to repair. Mercedes E63 AMG. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Guy drove on the wrong...
  6. Dapsas

    Change rule 3.3

    You need to chill bro,go get some weed.
  7. Dapsas


    on documents it 50cc but real 125cc,was driving till cops caught me,but nothing happened :D buy aprillia for 50cc best thingy.
  8. Dapsas

    GIVEAWAY - 200k

  9. Dapsas


  10. Dapsas

    [DEBATE] Is Olsen Banden ruining PERP?

    Olsen are very good player.
  11. Dapsas


    All good bro,i was drunk already,drink all night without stopping.
  12. Dapsas


    Left side
  13. Dapsas

    I will send you alone to gaza.

    I will send you alone to gaza.
  14. Dapsas

    Lithuania VS Poland

    Lithuania has the best basketball team,even their budget are very low,we took 3st in euroleague and back in 2012 or when we used to face USA basketball team in world championship.
  15. Dapsas

    Lithuania VS Poland

    Sure that Lithuania,Lithuania gopniks are strong,every poland which was in Kaunas or Palanga and tried to get some girls,always get punch in the head,because its our girls and no one takes them.
  16. Dapsas

    Nuestra Familia Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam name: Dapsas Age: 17 Playtime: Over 2 months How active are you?: Everyday,can play a lot if im not getting drunk -IC Info- In game name: Trauk Sankaba What cars do you have?: Mercedes E63 AMG Previous orgs: The Avengers. Blue org,WAGWAN, many more that i dont remember...
  17. Dapsas

    This is the end for me :(

  18. Dapsas


    Someone removed my pic,nice
  19. Dapsas


    I just got this picture by my friend,idk what happened later....
  20. Dapsas


    Wtf,someone deleted my pic.
  21. Dapsas

    Nice one Trauk

    Sorry brother :(
  22. Dapsas


    What about me? :(
  23. Dapsas

    If i play 1 hour each,then i never get ban,but i play aggresive role play so i make mistakes.

    If i play 1 hour each,then i never get ban,but i play aggresive role play so i make mistakes.
  24. Dapsas

    mass rdm bans

    They do mass rdm and later upload it to youtube,thats it.
  25. Dapsas

    Tyrone Biglegs for Enforcer

    bingo killed you all.
  26. Dapsas

    Minecraft Vanilla - Factions Server

    Shokron is my nigga,free my boy.
  27. Dapsas

    perp keeps crashing every time i start running it

    Haha daymon so funny,ty for help anyway i fixed it myself
  28. Dapsas

    perp keeps crashing every time i start running it

    gmod crashed after 10 seconds i start running it,i tried everything reinstall,unsubscribe addons,css content,verify game files before i fixed it myself,now nothing helps,any suggestions? @Bolli @Fredy @MrLewis
  29. Dapsas

    very proud you stupid bob <3

    very proud you stupid bob <3