Samジ Messages 793 Reaction score 1,866 Points 580 Location London, England May 25, 2018 #1 Should have parked somewhere else :/ @Hendricks @Dapsas
Trebblebob Messages 348 Reaction score 500 Points 510 May 25, 2018 #2 Could of stopped earlier if you didn't drive a fucking ricer REEEEEEE @Dapsas
CodezBlack Messages 1,343 Reaction score 2,618 Points 340 Location North East England (UK) May 25, 2018 #4 Have they still not increased the recoil for shooting guns while on the phone?
Samジ Messages 793 Reaction score 1,866 Points 580 Location London, England May 25, 2018 Thread starter #5 CodezBlack said: Have they still not increased the recoil for shooting guns while on the phone? Click to expand... It was an m16 and I was just tapping.
CodezBlack said: Have they still not increased the recoil for shooting guns while on the phone? Click to expand... It was an m16 and I was just tapping.
Creepis Messages 7,021 Reaction score 18,222 Points 1,200 Location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany May 26, 2018 #6 love it when that happens
Bnjemann Messages 9,668 Reaction score 12,062 Points 975 Location REHAB May 26, 2018 Staff #8 Love Dapsas's panic attack when he realises what he's done and is expecting to die or something lol.