Search results

  1. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    Nope. I wanted to go back quickly because the guy had knife and were so close to me, I could hold "S", but it's way slower than make 180 and hold W+Alt
  2. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    Hmm, because he's trying to rush into guy with Deagle in hand? He died, that's the best proof, he lost it and it wasn't worth to risk his life
  3. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    What you mean? I did not.
  4. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4 <-- here's last report on him for 3.4
  5. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee breaks 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lebron Lee / Edit: 99% ooc name is Anne Dank His/Her SteamID: edit: almost sure, it's STEAM_0:1:80727941 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He clearly broke 3.4, which caused him to die (actually get shooted few...
  6. orzel1244

    Yep, Fearless and Limelight

    Yep, Fearless and Limelight
  7. orzel1244

    AR on ICEKILLER_99

    Well, I didn't drop these items because you killed me.. I asked if I can keep 1 burger, you thought I've dropped all items then you killed me. That's kind of abousing, because you wanted to avoid revenge kill
  8. orzel1244

    AR on ICEKILLER_99

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @ICEKILLER_99 / Jack Richards His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:87262869 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Because he killed me without reason, I were so cooperative as you can clearly see on this video below Evidence...
  9. orzel1244

    Alexander Step RDM

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Alexander Step / tay.nffc His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119891117 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Clearly rdm, threading about blowing someone house isn't reason to attack someone on middle of street, that's kind of...
  10. orzel1244

    Lebron Lee + Luke Froch + Charlie Scott breaks 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lebron Lee + Luke Froch + Charlie Scott His/Her SteamID: I've had an problem to find the steam id I'm hoping it isn't big problem Why Should This Player Be Punished: These people clearly broke 3.4 many times, in...
  11. orzel1244

    Well, growing at morning isn't the most interesting thing to do, but there are 2 ways to get...

    Well, growing at morning isn't the most interesting thing to do, but there are 2 ways to get rich 1. spend a lot of IRL money which I don't like to do 2. powergrowing You can also make rich raids, but it's so risky, and it requires big team or skill, I don't have any of these requirments so...
  12. orzel1244

    Oh well, I know what's happening, I reported your friend so you're going to bully me, I'll enjoy...

    Oh well, I know what's happening, I reported your friend so you're going to bully me, I'll enjoy the 10 raids everyday :)
  13. orzel1244

    AR on Damon Wraith propably hacking

    Mayby you're right, let's wait for an admin reply
  14. orzel1244

    AR on Damon Wraith propably hacking

    I'm just a little bit pissed off, because every raid looks the same, I'm getting killed in bullshit way, my ping isn't huge, it's mainly less than 100 ms - so it's like every player on the server. If it isn't problem, I would like to see the demo, mayby to improve my skills, or prove I were...
  15. orzel1244

    AR on Damon Wraith propably hacking

    You don't see problem - I didn't seen the guy who shooted me down, because we were behind walls, and I don't think the walls weren't bulletproof, it looks like manipulating of bullets trajectory, I just want to make sure everyone is playing fair, if you did it without third party soft help, I...
  16. orzel1244

    AR on Damon Wraith propably hacking

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: R-Flex / Damon Wraith His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:83551931 Why Should This Player Be Punished: It looks like he's using third party soft, I don't think I bleed out because I got shooted max 2 times, I would want to see...
  17. orzel1244

    RR for items from mugging

    Your in-game name: orzel1244 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39685259 What do you need refunded: - 4k$ - 1x Radio - 1x Planter Box - 1x Water Tank - 1x 53 marijuana Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because I were mugging someone (don't remember nick, but @ayjay ツ do), and he DC'ed to avoid losing...
  18. orzel1244

    The Dark Red And Blue People

    Are you good at shooting (don't lie please): I'm dying almost everytime, sometimes I kill like 3 ppl with m4's and being killed with pistol, I think I'm good. Have you got more than 1 mill: Nope, if you'll add my car, upgrade, genes, weapons, materials it's around 1 mil Are you autistic: Sure I...
  19. orzel1244

    ShadowTyler GoodBye | This time real

    Sad reactions only. sadly I removed video how we mugged @ayjay ツ
  20. orzel1244

    The Jewish Mafia

    OOC Steam name : orzel1244 VIP: Yes IC Name: Maciej Rosiak Previous orgs: I wasn't in the city for long long, I forget the names Car/s you own: Scion FR-S upgraded Rifle Marksmanship: 58 (still increasing) Are u able to take care of yourself without the org's help ?: It depends what you mean, I...
  21. orzel1244


  22. orzel1244

    [Aplications] The Dutch Royal Family

    OOC and IC Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak Age: 18 y/o Country: Poland Playtime: 23 days Previous ORGS?: Actually I don't remember these all names Why do want to join?: I wasn't in the city for few months, I'm looking for something fresh Why should we pick you? I'm high level solider, with...
  23. orzel1244

    WAGWAN Applications

    OOC Steam name: orzel1244 Age: 18 y/o IC Name: Maciej Rosiak Firearms level: 107 Cars that you own: Scion Marksmanship: rifles = 58; shotgun = 26; pistol = 72;
  24. orzel1244

    Green Street Elite "GSE" Applications

    OOC Info: Steam Name: orzel1244 OOC Age: 18 y/o Playtime: 3520 hours Gender: Male In-game name: Why would you like to join: I'm looking for sweaterless organization with professional and experienced members Rifle Marksmanship: 58 Firearms level: 106 Shooting Skill (1-10) : 7 How much dosh do...
  25. orzel1244

    Deal with missing textures using auto installer

    Hello, I'm glad to show you my application, which makes content installation easy, the only thing you have to do, just download the app, mark what you want to install, and the application will automaticly download these contents and bring it to your garry's mod addons folder, I think everone...
  26. orzel1244

    AR on Jimmy Gerrard 3.4

    AR Closed, please remove it.
  27. orzel1244

    AR on Jimmy Gerrard 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jimmy Gerrard / Jimmy Gerrard His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64268262 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He clearly broke 3.4, like 4 people was pointing gun at him, then he closed the door and escaped, you can also hear...
  28. orzel1244

    Official Construction Booklet Poll

    Regulations sucks
  29. orzel1244

    AR on Nico Silver / Noxie

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Noxie / Nico Silver His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23036412 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He clearly broke NLR and FailRP, he don't wanted to listen my orders (I was his boss) and he pointed gun at me, so my friend...
  30. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel for 5.6

    5.6 Kidnapping Player(s) may only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks. For example if taking a hostage will increase the chances of the player escaping the police substantially then a hostage can be taken...