AR on Damon Wraith propably hacking

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Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: R-Flex / Damon Wraith
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:83551931
Why Should This Player Be Punished: It looks like he's using third party soft, I don't think I bleed out because I got shooted max 2 times, I would want to see his demo. Mayby I sounds like mad kid crying about losing gun n drugs, but there is something weird, these ppl are so bad ass, It's so hard to belive 3 ppl can win raid + kill all cops, SRU and escape after around 10 mins.
Evidence (Demo Required): <-- main evidence 20-08-53.dem?dl=0 <-- I don't think my demo is needed as I uploaded, but here you go..
Tick: As you can see full action on, I don't think tick of the demo is important in this case, but it was at end of the demo, cuz I rage quitted after waiting to respawn + nlr
sorry man we are just too good,i killed like 3 cops,wesley killed a tfu and a cop mango killed 2 or 3 cops and we got out of there,i dont see the problem lol
You don't see problem - I didn't seen the guy who shooted me down, because we were behind walls, and I don't think the walls weren't bulletproof, it looks like manipulating of bullets trajectory, I just want to make sure everyone is playing fair, if you did it without third party soft help, I admire your skills.
i remember you from limelight,
theres ping lag so you were probably still behind hte barricade for him or he shot you through the wall,he isnt cheating and im 100% sure of that
You don't see problem - I didn't seen the guy who shooted me down, because we were behind walls, and I don't think the walls weren't bulletproof, it looks like manipulating of bullets trajectory, I just want to make sure everyone is playing fair, if you did it without third party soft help, I admire your skills.

As I were in the raid, there was no way he could have shot you whilst you were there unless he was near the bottom of the staircase wallbanging directly at your head, which is impossible as he was at the door a second before you died. This just looks like pure lag to me and I highly doubt he's cheating considering he's a long standing member of the community and has decent things not worth losing.
You don't see problem - I didn't seen the guy who shooted me down, because we were behind walls, and I don't think the walls weren't bulletproof, it looks like manipulating of bullets trajectory, I just want to make sure everyone is playing fair, if you did it without third party soft help, I admire your skills.

Is this a joke?
Anywyas, we raided you and you died maybe a bit of a ping or tick issue but nothing out of the ordinary and there is no such thing as changing bullet tradjectory, maybe your thinking of backtrack but honestly you just died in a raid thats all that happened here.
I'm just a little bit pissed off, because every raid looks the same, I'm getting killed in bullshit way, my ping isn't huge, it's mainly less than 100 ms - so it's like every player on the server. If it isn't problem, I would like to see the demo, mayby to improve my skills, or prove I were right.. I'm handling every other game really well (see my rainbow six videos on plays), also I got 3500 hours in gmod, and I'm only experience that kind of deaths on perpheads
Glad you think we're badass and shit but there isn't really anything fishy here, you kept on peeking the same exact spot whilst being in the same position. In the frames before you died you could see his shoulder, like everyone said it's most likely a lag/tick issue butttttttt peakers advantage no?
I'm just a little bit pissed off, because every raid looks the same, I'm getting killed in bullshit way, my ping isn't huge, it's mainly less than 100 ms - so it's like every player on the server. If it isn't problem, I would like to see the demo, mayby to improve my skills, or prove I were right.. I'm handling every other game really well (see my rainbow six videos on plays), also I got 3500 hours in gmod, and I'm only experience that kind of deaths on perpheads

Well you're wrong to compare deaths on other servers to perpheads because there's no way they're similar imo
I just reviewed it and it looks clean to me. If he was using some sort of aim assistance it would commonly control the recoil automatically which is why I was watching the bullet impacts on the far wall at the end. As for shooting where you were, it's a pretty common angle to defend so nothing fishy there.

R-Flex also attacked an officer outside but I couldn't see any aim assistance when that happened and can provide a clip of it if requested.

The only rulebreaking I can find here is Icekiller abusing the crowbar.
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