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  1. moD

    Potatage 2.5 - A cause for concern

    @Dan stop roleplaying on the forums shakespeare no one gives a fuck
  2. moD

    Potatage 2.5 - A cause for concern

    @Dan bro honestly shut the fuck up you're mad annoying. we all know toggling is a thing you fat fkn ape. go roleplay somewhere else u fkn cockgobbling monkey, you're not fooling any1
  3. moD

    Potatage 2.5 - A cause for concern

    you are absolutely the worst player I have ever seen to play on this server. literally went from wallhacks and low fov aimlock to fkn potato aim.
  4. moD

    Potatage 2.5 - A cause for concern

  5. moD

    Potatage 2 - The one that gets me banned

    @TinySlayer @Madda
  6. moD

    Potatage 2 - The one that gets me banned

    @Dan i’ll remember to ss this for ur ban appeal
  7. moD

    Potatage 2 - The one that gets me banned

    tyla was actually funny tho. get an actual hobby besides cheating on an rp server u fat fuck
  8. moD

    Potatage 2 - The one that gets me banned

    we all love the low fov aimlock lol. went from an all star shitter to full blatant cheater. how u gonna flick to someone through a wall without even peeking to know they’re there lol. nt tho.
  9. moD

    oh i thought u got that lol. go run shoreline dude make that cash back

    oh i thought u got that lol. go run shoreline dude make that cash back
  10. moD

    sell it for irl cash dude 1mil ~ 2 usd

    sell it for irl cash dude 1mil ~ 2 usd
  11. moD

    license plate refund

    my bad i fixed it. you gotta swap the plate, i'm retarded. ty
  12. moD

    license plate refund

    Your in-game name: Jerry Cornelli Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20269734 What do you need refunded: 300k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I applied to have my license plate say RLEPLAY and I got no notification saying that it was accepted or denied. I never got my money back afterwards...
  13. moD

    EFT Montage #1

    dude im so loud wtf
  14. moD

    imma absolutely doink your shit in dude

    imma absolutely doink your shit in dude
  15. moD

    ur more seasoned at roleplaying than me wtf

    ur more seasoned at roleplaying than me wtf
  16. moD

    ill see u in east wing 226 buddy

    ill see u in east wing 226 buddy
  17. moD

    got 2 ledx's in 2 different raids back to back. i'll gladly run shoreline thank you very much

    got 2 ledx's in 2 different raids back to back. i'll gladly run shoreline thank you very much
  18. moD

    AR On Sossa,Creepis,Firuz and Jerry Cornelli

    im not sending you fuck all. he just explained what happened and our reasoning for our actions. admins can verify.
  19. moD


  20. moD

    Perp in 2019

    yeah i think you're fucked dude
  21. moD

    Discussion regarding the applications for CoD

    why did you apply
  22. moD

    _moD's Ban Appeal

    Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @TinySlayer How long were you banned for: 6 months Your Steam Name: _moD Your In-game Name: Jerry Cornelli Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20269734 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.2 - Using a third party application...
  23. moD

    Automatic Unban [appeals]

    i love billy lewis poo finger dude wtf
  24. moD

    give Dominic administrative privileges

    give Dominic administrative privileges
  25. moD

    delete AR's FOREVER

    there's no real point of them anyways. how many admins could you possibly need to moderate 20 players
  26. moD

    murad qaqish happy birthday

    murad qaqish happy birthday
  27. moD

    Valentines Problems: Followup

    if there's one thing I learned about girls dude, if she's interested you'll know. if you feel like she's not that into you then don't waste your time dude. the fact that it happened at a club makes it even worse. she probably just wanted someone to make out w/ that night and it happened to be you.
  28. moD

    Football clubs

    Forza Roma e Forza Juve
  29. moD

