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  1. attacker1983

    movement bug

    So i have been unable to play for the past month connect today and when i try to walk i get some weird jitter thing i have verified the game cache and tried so many things with no luck (only got perp content)
  2. attacker1983

    Saving Corporal Riddle

    blast from the past or what
  3. attacker1983

    license plate

    admins approved it therefor it being changed is stupid and what part of the word gay isnt PG one of the definitions it can be meant in (my way im using it for the plate) light-hearted and carefree.
  4. attacker1983

    of course i would as im an alcoholic where as malard isnt

    of course i would as im an alcoholic where as malard isnt
  5. attacker1983

    crashing every 5-10 min

    my game just keeps randomly closing every 5-10 min max of 20 while in the server, i only have gmod open and only have the PH addon packs installed its making the game unplayable any suggestions on how to fix are welcome
  6. attacker1983

    the fuck lmfao its tmrw you creep AKA thx

    the fuck lmfao its tmrw you creep AKA thx
  7. attacker1983


  8. attacker1983

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    this just feels like perp is becoming darkrp
  9. attacker1983

    license plate

    i mean they shouldn't deny it considering it was approved by admin and then another person changed it
  10. attacker1983

    license plate

    Your in-game name: Morgan Matheson Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43401590 What do you need refunded: 300k for license plate Why do you want your item(s) refunded: i want my 300k refunded for my lisence plate as it initially said G4YL0RD (approved by an admin) and now i go on and it says heylord)...
  11. attacker1983

    changing licence plates broken

    goto npc press swap licence plate get these errors now down 300k [ERROR] gamemodes/perp/gamemode/modules/vehiclesystem/licenseplates/cl_licenseplates.lua:54: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got userdata) 1. pairs - [C]:-1 2. UpdateEntiyRegistration -...
  12. attacker1983

    Update Log - 03/07/2019

    @Speedy ive always been told you were allowed to whp said its 2.5?
  13. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    whitelist updated you have been PMed the info
  14. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    done it for you
  15. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    whitelist updated everyone should be able to join
  16. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    as i say not gonna team up but if you need stuff just ask and ill try to assist :)
  17. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack
  18. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    1.12.2 not many mods for more up to date versions
  19. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    I am not going to be a member of any specific team ill just help out from time to time
  20. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    team name Trolls united
  21. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    server will go live either later tonight or tomorrow
  22. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    yea commonly by me but as the community grows and changes i figured it would be time to start a new version of it
  23. attacker1983

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    credit goes to @ShadowJoey for most of the rules and anyone mentioned in his post for the tekkit server important information for the server. you do not need a team to play however you can team if you chose to do so, there is no limit to the size of teams. there is no end to the server for...
  24. attacker1983

    aiko akasuki random shooting of bank robbers tires

    Its 2.5 (aka a rule break therefor its an IA/AR
  25. attacker1983

    aiko akasuki random shooting of bank robbers tires

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Morgan Matheson/attacker1983 His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Aiko Akasuki His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:79999945 Why Should This Player Be Punished: randomly shot out my cars tires (was parked at bank in a robbery) Evidence (Demo Required): will get later tonight but logs show he...
  26. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    whitelist updated
  27. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    Whitelist has been updated just a quick update if you want to add team members and they dont have time to post just post for them either here or in discord with their minecraft name
  28. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    Team Name: Heinz Team Slogan: Baked Beans in a delicious tomato sauce Team Focus (give a rough idea of what you will be doing): Make canned food for the upcoming nuclear apocalypse Team Emblem: Confirmed Team Members (update as changed): @Super_ @Luxin @{IG} attacker1983
  29. attacker1983

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    server will be live within the next 20 minutes