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  1. Altradir

    AR on Tony Leung

    Do you have a recording?
  2. Altradir

    AR on Dr. Boost

    I noticed. Thank you. Fixing it
  3. Altradir

    AR on Dr. Boost

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dr. Boost / Aiko Akusuki His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79999945 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - User turned around and shot me while under gunpoint. I gave him direct orders to which he didn't comply...
  4. Altradir

    AR on Tony Leung

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ck expresso / Tony Leung His/Her SteamID: ? Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - User ran while being gunpointed, got a shotgun out and tried to kill me (notice how I never lose sight of him even when he...
  5. Altradir

    Nothing personal c:

    Nothing personal c:
  6. Altradir

    Enough with the Car Bomb RP

    It's like the 3rd time he blows himself up @Ethan
  7. Altradir

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    More Ghost, except better (aka heavier).
  8. Altradir

    Stealth 20

    But I didn't.
  9. Altradir

    Stealth 20

  10. Altradir

    TFU Salt Patrol | Ethan's Montage #6

    0:16 I am like "wtf do you want m8?!" BERETTA MASTER RACE
  11. Altradir

    Put your hands in the air! you don't care!

    Put your hands in the air! you don't care!
  12. Altradir

    AR on Atomic

    I am glad we have such good shooters as you on the server. However, I think you may be missing the point.
  13. Altradir

    AR on Atomic

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Atomic / Dylan Fielding His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142834053 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - Got is weapon out and shot me while under gunpoint. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  14. Altradir

    Oopsie Doopsie

    Sorry @Ysauzi
  15. Altradir

    AR on Waldo White

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Exrobite / Waldo White His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51339826 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He went inside of Projex in the middle of an active shootout (he had full knowledge of it) while being told not to...
  16. Altradir

    AR on Marcus Hudson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IBO / Marcus Hudson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:205542456 Why Should This Player Be Punished: @Marcus Hudson 3.4, ran while under gunpoint. Side Note - Marc Harvey has already been dealt with in-game by...
  17. Altradir

    Perp Memories

    Unfortunately, I also lost my evocity screenshots, but I still have some early 2014 Paralake ones. Old Suburbs The Old Offices The Old Models The Old Police Cars
  18. Altradir

    Uncooperative PLPD officer gets what's coming to him.

    I still question myself on how I didn't see it coming.
  19. Altradir

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  20. Altradir

    Lets be honest here

  21. Altradir

    AR on Bryan Devgru

    If you look at the first picture I posted, he isn't THAT far away.
  22. Altradir

    AR on Bryan Devgru

    Well, it is for the Staff Team to decide. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
  23. Altradir

    AR on Joosepi Kyrpanen

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ? / Joosepi Kyrpanen His/Her SteamID: ? Why Should This Player Be Punished: Failed to comply with direct orders while under gunpoint. Got his gun out and shot me. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  24. Altradir

    AR on Bryan Devgru

    Well, maybe you would like to read what is written above it... He had to accelerate from a complete stop in order to pass right besides me (and he didn't pass that fast).
  25. Altradir

    AR on Bryan Devgru

    @Tchami @Skippy0308 He passed literally 1 meter from me and he wasn't stopped that far. My initial gunpoint (not that far as you suggest, a clear line of sight and he is at a complete stop): Then he passes literally infront of me at a relatively low speed: I wouldn't say this is "a waste...
  26. Altradir

    AR on Bryan Devgru

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Altradir / William Norrington His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ? / Bryan Devgru (I don't know his Forums' account, please tag him if possible) His/Her SteamID: ? Why Should This Player Be Punished: While he was at a complete stop, I pointed my gun at him with a clear line...
  27. Altradir

    Another one

  28. Altradir

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    For some reason I decided to have another Ghost overdose.
  29. Altradir

    Where are the devs

    @Firuz132 You don't have to have a lot of props to do a good PassiveRP (although it helps). RP is supposed to be done also in a small scale. @Daigestive Yes, I like playing as a cop, but that doesn't mean I don't RP. I always try to have a minimal seriousRP when playing. And even as a cop we...