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  1. Zepol

    Thank you my sweet prince, I loved the birthday kisses

    Thank you my sweet prince, I loved the birthday kisses
  2. Zepol

    Website Bug Report (everything beyond owners is non existent)

    Its grabbing STEAMID64, rather than the normal SteamID so I'm assuming that's where the error is
  3. Zepol

    Website Bug Report (everything beyond owners is non existent)

    Im assuming it is because the Owners, apart from XQ, are linked by their steam ids, where as staff members are not.
  4. Zepol

    BookHeads Thread

    I read a lot of Philosophy and Economics for my degree, if some of you are still in your Nihilistic 16-year-old era I recommend two works by Albert Camus - The stranger and the myth of Sisyphus. Angela Davis' Women, Race, and Class is brilliant in understanding oppression, I found it to be great...
  5. Zepol

    My love for beans is impenetrable, I would love to try your bean and egg pizza. [IMG]

    My love for beans is impenetrable, I would love to try your bean and egg pizza.
  6. Zepol

    Perpheads 9 Year Anniversary

    It's so weird to think I joined the server when I was 12 and now I'm 19 and still playing. I believe beyond the incredible game mode and the constant development giving new life to the server the thing that has made many people stay is this fantastic community. I have met so many incredible...
  7. Zepol

    Goodbye for now people

    :( להתראות הנסיך היהודי שלי
  8. Zepol

    Help Ban

    c'est bien mec
  9. Zepol

    Help Ban

    Because your alt was banned at the exact same time as you, I'm assuming it means you weren't actually ban evading it just automatically banned the alt when you got banned. However, because that account is perma banned it will now ban your main. You will be able to play on the server, give it...
  10. Zepol

    Community Spotlight - June 2022 - Why am I not in the new faces section smh
  11. Zepol


    This is one of the best perp videos I've seen in a long time, brilliant!
  12. Zepol


  13. Zepol

    J'ai entendu dire que Curak est un 'francophobe'

    J'ai entendu dire que Curak est un 'francophobe'
  14. Zepol

    Je te souhaite un super anniversaire!

    Je te souhaite un super anniversaire!
  15. Zepol

    I think most of the hate came from the slow start but since episode 3 I haven't really seen much...

    I think most of the hate came from the slow start but since episode 3 I haven't really seen much hate
  16. Zepol

    ahhhhh say less

    ahhhhh say less
  17. Zepol

    [ATTACH] This u?

    This u?
  18. Zepol

    [ATTACH] almost shat my pants

    almost shat my pants
  19. Zepol

    New job

    Congrats bro, wish to see you in a sexy fireman calendar tho
  20. Zepol


    Hi I'm Zepol, I am new to the server and I want to say how cool it is. I hope to keep playing and eventually save up for a crown victoria in game
  21. Zepol


  22. Zepol

    Only legendary member on the forums ;)

    Only legendary member on the forums ;)
  23. Zepol

    How much fps would someone get with this?

    sounds like ur mum
  24. Zepol

    How much fps would someone get with this?

    It'd probably blow up
  25. Zepol

    Happy birthday big smudge!!

    Happy birthday big smudge!!
  26. Zepol

    New IP 11-06-2022

    Loaded 350 for me in the UK now, compared to the 2000 or whatever it was last time. Dunno if this has anything to do with it.
  27. Zepol

    Happy Birthday bro!

    Happy Birthday bro!
  28. Zepol

    Hello everybody

  29. Zepol

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    around 1500 with french and uk appearing first, pretty much same as the other UK dons
  30. Zepol

    At least Fredy is making p, what's Jamies excuse

    At least Fredy is making p, what's Jamies excuse