BookHeads Thread

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Gangster's Paradise
Boring ass post for some people

Any knowledgeable fellers on here enjoy reading?

It will help with your gamer IQ!

I'm currently reading:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson

If you haven't watched the movie then I highly recommend, as it of course alludes to the book heavily featuring Johnny Depp and Benicio del Toro as the two main protagonists.

The book is a fictional narrative about two journalists chasing the American dream. Set in the 60's, these two Giga Chads go against the grain and practically tour the entirety of Las Vegas in a crazy drug fuelled expedition. The book has a somewhat unreliable narrator and is in a style of an autobiography, which becomes more apparent when they're one bottle of ether deep.

Overall: it's a good read. If you're not a book person then the movie is a good alternative (a good laugh too).

Shout out the green thumb in me too with the only plant I have in my room.
(Some other good reads in the background too)

Picture from the movie

If you read anything or got any interesting plants in your place (No weed plants) then put them below.

I don't know might be cringe but I wanna use the off topic more
Dude, I was literally thinking about making a book thread for the last week but never actually got to it.

Reading is great, and I’ve started to do it more. Currently reading Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, seeing it everywhere and its popular.

Last good book that I fully read was in like the 8th grade, A Long Walk To Water - Linda Sue Park. Very good stuff
I loved reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo when I was much younger. This thread actually reminded me that I wanted to read some of Stephen King's books, my friend highly recommended him to me but nowadays I don't really bother reading (which is something I really need to get back into doing)
I've read a lot of books before, but I've been gaining some interest on the poetry side lately. The last one I read was Shelley's "Love's Philosophy", highly recommended
Since coming off ADHD Medication I struggle to read any book that isn't information books or instruction manuals. Last thing I read was the Unabomber manifesto.
Since coming off ADHD Medication I struggle to read any book that isn't information books or instruction manuals. Last thing I read was the Unabomber manifesto.
I'm taking mine again and having 4 hour reading session and shit. Hits different but the meds can suck ass sometimes. Also is a cocktail of all the others that I got to take o_O
Since coming off ADHD Medication I struggle to read any book that isn't information books or instruction manuals. Last thing I read was the Unabomber manifesto.
I don't believe there is a better writer than H.P. Lovecraft
I read almost all of the stuff he wrote and the best one so far is

"The Case of Charles Dexter Ward"

He also had the best view on race so ye best writer
I don't believe there is a better writer than H.P. Lovecraft
I read almost all of the stuff he wrote and the best one so far is

"The Case of Charles Dexter Ward"

He also had the best view on race so ye best writer
Boring ass post for some people

Any knowledgeable fellers on here enjoy reading?

It will help with your gamer IQ!

I'm currently reading: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson

If you haven't watched the movie then I highly recommend, as it of course alludes to the book heavily featuring Johnny Depp and Benicio del Toro as the two main protagonists.

The book is a fictional narrative about two journalists chasing the American dream. Set in the 60's, these two Giga Chads go against the grain and practically tour the entirety of Las Vegas in a crazy drug fuelled expedition. The book has a somewhat unreliable narrator and is in a style of an autobiography, which becomes more apparent when they're one bottle of ether deep.

Overall: it's a good read. If you're not a book person then the movie is a good alternative (a good laugh too).

Shout out the green thumb in me too with the only plant I have in my room.
View attachment 14481
(Some other good reads in the background too)

Picture from the movie
View attachment 14482

If you read anything or got any interesting plants in your place (No weed plants) then put them below.

I don't know might be cringe but I wanna use the off topic more
The movie is amazing
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas (Good movie too)
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Those 3 are definitely my all-time favourites.
I read a lot of Philosophy and Economics for my degree, if some of you are still in your Nihilistic 16-year-old era I recommend two works by Albert Camus - The stranger and the myth of Sisyphus. Angela Davis' Women, Race, and Class is brilliant in understanding oppression, I found it to be great as it includes lots of aspects of oppression not just viewing it as economic, unlike Marx. The Prison Industrial Complex by her is great as well, having some great points in support of the abolishment of the current prison system. If anyone is a history and economics nerd I recommend The consequences of the peace by John Keynes, basically showing the shit show that the treaty of Versailles was. For fiction, I'd recommend cat in that hat or some shit idk
Haven't used this thread in a little, thought I would post what I been reading lately.
Ignore the shite on my desk
RUM PUNCH (Jackie Brown book)
-Elemore Leonard
Bookhead V2.jpg

Overall: Good read so far (half way through). Pretty much the movie Jackie Brown but with more scenes and details. Love Tarantino's dialogue.

Been reading philosophy books before this so, a good change of pace.
Polished off RUM PUNCH,

Onto the next...
-Haruki Murakami
bookheads v 3.jpg

Only got through fire 7 chapters this week but so far, it's about a Japanese uni student who's in love. (Not about @Bonnisen penis)
Pretty good read


I can see why this is a classic... Compelling narrative with astonishing turns. It's most definitely about young love, losing people and living with the everlasting pain.

I couldn't remember who recommended it me but it was pretty fitting for my life at the time and gave me a shift in perspective.
I thought it was an autobiography at first with the grave detail the writer added to the unfortunate events that occurred however, it's simply a fictional romance novel.

A must read for all. (I think it was translated from Japanese too so the literature isn't that comprehensive)
Last edited:
I updated Norweigian Wood after finishing it

Now it's time to get philosophical up in here.
I have taken a great interest in Taoism lately, trying to use the knowledge gained from the religion to impact my life in a positive way. A brief back history of my beliefs which will clarify I'm not a monk, I was baptised as a catholic, turned Athiest from the ways of my Father and then when I was in a mental institution, almost converted to Islam. Now instead of devotion to a specific religion as they all seem to contradict eachother (not trying to get political here so don't start a war in the replies) I just take aspects of all religions and use them in moral practice. Without sucking my own dong here, I try my best to advocate honesty and respect (sometime I lose friends because of it) and as I grow older and more mature, I become accepting of a plethora of social constructs, I will spare the details but in layman's term... I LIKE BEING A GOOD PERSON, IT GIVES ME JOY MAKING OTHERS HAPPY! :)


From what I have briefly read of Taoism so far (similar to Buddhism), it's a lot about letting go of things and quite literally going with the flow;

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.”

Lao Tzu

Water has no start and no end, to form ones mind as water is the desired mentality.

From what I've noted too, they're very optimistic towards the human psyche and believe in reincarnation.

I will continue to study the Dao De Jing in the meantime and from what I've seen, this is the best translation of Laozi (My Mandarin is far too elementary for the original)

Shoutout to the brothers in Mainland holding it down. 愿和平与你同在
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*Featuring the cool scroll I got in ChinaTown*

Will probably read a novel alongside this so expect more posts! :D