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  1. BooingBison

    PC Overheating

    @Creepis Since he is running an i7-7700 that was released in January 2017, probably less than 2 years ago.
  2. BooingBison

    PC Overheating

    Is it a branded pc? If so, can you give the brand and model number? Maybe it's using an Intel Stock cooler, I've seen that happen quite often.
  3. BooingBison

    PC Overheating

    What makes you think it's overheating? What are the specs? What's the cooling solution? (Air, water?) (what type of cooler) What's the ambient temperature in your room? Is it overclocked?
  4. BooingBison

    Full PC Gaming Setup For Sale

    country and region pls
  5. BooingBison

    AR - Glen Finn

    Well you were the medic that was able to do all things I listed. Besides, he would risk his life even more not killing you. He could already go to jail and get a big ticket for Murder, so murdering you too didn't add any additional risk. I'd go as far as say it removed some risk since it'd be...
  6. BooingBison

    AR - Glen Finn

    Not involved and admins will probably remove it, but the medic did not break any rules. He had plenty of reason to murder you. Stop you from DNA scanning Stop you from giving a description Stop you from telling cops where she went Stop you from reviving that person And compensation because...
  7. BooingBison

    I'm Starting to Stream!

    please livestream while growing drugs on perp? thx
  8. BooingBison

    [Addition] 2.5 Excessive Negativity

    Unlike many others I do support this idea. There is currently only one good way of protecting your car from being stolen and it is putting on a Security Upgrade every time you spawn it, which is not very fun and very expensive.
  9. BooingBison

    Racsex dies, this meme was bought to you by SANS GANG

    Tik tok maddafakker @Racxes
  10. BooingBison

    Internet cutting out

    may you have a virus? i suggest taking your pc to the doctor do u haf dis problem on other computer? or only you computer? you via waaifaai or via cable? what is your operation system where are you located in the world??? is the winternet via coax, adsl or fiberrr? do u use the ISP stok...
  11. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    Ya'll fail to recognise that without the whitelist, any person, literally anyone, is given the power to take away a lot of money from a person in one second. I personally trust any rank above Senior to do this as they obviously take police roleplay seriously as they've gotten to that rank, but I...
  12. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    The point of my suggestion is to run tickets through a person that has been verified to work for and is trusted by the PLPD first, before they can actually issue it. It's easy to say "make an IA" "just make an IA" "IA will deal with this", but if I go making a complaint because a cop gives me...
  13. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    We should work on preventing cops from giving outrageous tickets instead of fixing them afterwards.
  14. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    It should be a policy, not a software limitation of course, and if there are no higher ranks online it is up to their own.
  15. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    The thing is that there are plenty of officers that do not take the cooperation into account and just give max ticket anyway.
  16. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    Max ticket for punching someone once is unreasonable. Also max ticket for tax evading on a burger is unreasonable. If this were to be implemented, the officers should describe their situation to a higher rank first if they want to give a +2k ticket. The higher rank can then judge if what they're...
  17. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    "That way we force regular officers and seniors to contact a higher rank first to see if what they're giving is okay. "
  18. BooingBison

    fixing senior officers and normal cops

    I think that we should set maximum values for every police rank, like regular officers can only do 2k, senior 4k, everything higher can give 10k. That way we force regular officers and seniors to contact a higher rank first to see if what they're giving is okay. Update because most of you small...
  19. BooingBison

    Action Request

    found him let me be clear that I necessarily don't want this person punished, I just want my RR accepted
  20. BooingBison

    3.31 Renting Out Properties

    @Mango I think this is a work-around for a bigger issue that's just people buying properties and not using them. We should make a rule to fix that, not make a rule to fix a smaller part of the larger problem.
  21. BooingBison

    Diablos Applications

    @Saint Wylde I shoot people very often, but I also miss even more often
  22. BooingBison


    my fat cat called Hoby
  23. BooingBison

    Wolvesis Introduction

    Welcome to PERPHeads "Serious" "Roleplay" Server!
  24. BooingBison

    Put cars back into garage

    Discuss: Main idea: Allow people to put their car back into the garage Description: You know the place where u request your car every time, add an option to put it back into the garage. Pros: Car can't be jacked while not...
  25. BooingBison

    Action Request

    @FatGeorge I suggest asking the Lord for forgiveness next Sunday
  26. BooingBison

    Action Request

    Uh Chun didn't close the door, it was the guy at the button, you can only see his arm.
  27. BooingBison

    Action Request

    Your help is appreciated x
  28. BooingBison

    Action Request

    Because you denied my first Refund Request with the reason that I had to make an AR first, even though that in the video you can clearly see that the RC closed the garage door on me...
  29. BooingBison

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: nickjedl / Nick Beckmen His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Don't know His/Her SteamID: Don't know Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player closed the RC door on my car causing a lot of damage, which I could not fix with flex tape. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  30. BooingBison


    actual perpheads heros right here