fixing senior officers and normal cops

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How many times do you have that seniors and normals cops give you max sentences for small fucking things fix plpd pls thanks its fucking aids this is why perp is dead
maybe if you guys already know there is a problem fix it so people start to actually like the police
How many times do you have that seniors and normals cops give you max sentences for small fucking things fix plpd pls thanks its fucking aids this is why perp is dead

so not long ago you all fucking bitched about how you had an application process to become an officer???? Did you really think it'd be straight forward to remove such application? - we didn't have much about sentencing but how it worked was that we saw how they handled situations and also how they processed people in the end. And in that way we could asses if they would be able to take on the role as a cop.

You should expect more of it, as there are laws in place protecting them for doing this.
I mean I don't get the problem with Officers sentencing. The law has a max amount of years or ticket for each law violation so I don't see why Officers aren't allowed to give what they think you deserve.
“the extent of cooperation by the detainee should be considered when setting a jail sentence or issuing a fine.”
I think that we should set maximum values for every police rank, like regular officers can only do 2k, senior 4k, everything higher can give 10k.
That way we force regular officers and seniors to contact a higher rank first to see if what they're giving is okay.

Update because most of you small people don't seem to understand:
We set a policy stating that if a regular officer wants to issue a ticket above $2000, they must contact a Senior+ first, if any are available, to see if the amount they want to fine is at all reasonable.
If there are no Senior+'s on, they can give up to their own discretion.
We do NOT software limit the ticket, but implement a policy.
Officers can still give the max ticket software wise, but they must take the policy into consideration and contact a Senior+ first.
We can change Senior+ with any rank in the police departement. It DOES NOT have to be a Senior+.
It DOES NOT have to be 2k, it can be any amount, it can be 5k, 6k... Whatever, this is just a SUGGESTION. Not an entire example policy / rule.
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it's like you're saying, if an officer is charging someone with murder, they can only charge with max 2k cause of what you're saying. Either way, there is Internal Affairs for a reason.
"That way we force regular officers and seniors to contact a higher rank first to see if what they're giving is okay. "
“the extent of cooperation by the detainee should be considered when setting a jail sentence or issuing a fine.”
How many times do you have that seniors and normals cops give you max sentences for small fucking things fix plpd pls thanks its fucking aids this is why perp is dead

Officers have their own disression and can decide what price tickets or sentances could be,

“the extent of cooperation by the detainee should be considered when setting a jail sentence or issuing a fine.”

Its only the cooperation that should be considered but most of the time people scream down their microphones wanting a supervisor. This dosen't apply to current charges, but how a suspect acts or the ammount of time they take complying while being charged.
Its not only Snr officers, but all officers tend to do this since they have their own discression under law

4.1 Law-Enforcement Officer’s Discretion

Obviously this can be overrulled but this isn't very common unless in a supervisor sit.
Max ticket for punching someone once is unreasonable. Also max ticket for tax evading on a burger is unreasonable.
If this were to be implemented, the officers should describe their situation to a higher rank first if they want to give a +2k ticket. The higher rank can then judge if what they're doing is appropriate or not.
Yeah but what I'm getting at is if it is set to $2,000 max for a normal officer, and they're trying to jail a suspect for 10k ticket, 10 years for Murder, and there is no corporals+ on, that wouldn't be great.
The thing is that there are plenty of officers that do not take the cooperation into account and just give max ticket anyway.
So Nick, you're saying that Corporals + can give $10,000 tickets for something small, and normal cops can give maximum $2,000 for things like murder? You also have to take into account that you can't give a $10,000 ticket with no higher ranks on using your context when someone has just committed murder. As Nutrient said above, their co-operation and severity of the situation should be considered when giving a jail sentence. If you think it needs to go above maximum then contact a Lieutenant.
It should be a policy, not a software limitation of course, and if there are no higher ranks online it is up to their own.
They have their discression under law 4.1 . Its a simple as that, you have supervisors too, but if none are available then its what the officer feels, tax evading a burger, is still tax evasion, punching someone is still punching someone, It dosen't matter the ammount or quantity or whatever, whatever breaks it, breaks it, just like the saying where if you win even by a CM distance or a second, its still a win. Same thing applies under the Laws and Policies within the PLPD.
So, your whole idea is scrapped if there are no higher ranks on duty, and most officers would contact a higher-up to bypass their limit anyway? What's the point of your suggestion?
Make a PLPD online suggestion, there might be many, but make an IA on them, I don't see why this should be brought up if they'res already polcies and IA's and PSD to deal with things like this.