Search results

  1. BooingBison


    How did you get that real human inside of Regals 1????? edit: this gig is like 50 bucks, thanks for bringing this to the community
  2. BooingBison

    The Galindo Cartel Recruitment

    Big fat PH DENIED
  3. BooingBison

    When your aim is worse than @Ermak

    good representation of my aim skill
  4. BooingBison

    even less happy

    Shells that were in the gun, but i shot like 4 times so make it 5
  5. BooingBison

    even less happy

    thats bullshit though because OOC is out of character and bandaging is in character also the medic was combat reviving
  6. BooingBison

    even less happy

    Your in-game name: Nick Beckmen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 What do you need refunded: 5 Buckshot ammo bullets from my gun and a Mossberg, 5 minutes too Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because i bandaged myself and still bled out???? Evidence:
  7. BooingBison

    not happy

    No my boy
  8. BooingBison

    not happy

    Your in-game name: Nick Beckmen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 What do you need refunded: 20k for fix, 100$ carwash and 500 dollar engine repair, $557 for the fuel I used to get it fixed (21157) Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because RC broke the rules Evidence...
  9. BooingBison

    AR On NoHax

  10. BooingBison


  11. BooingBison

    MAC-11 GANG Applications

    OOC Name | IC Name: nickjedl | Nick Beckmen Age: 19 TIme Played: 1 month 16 day Money: ninehundred thousand dollars Reason for Joining: i want to make memes about AK-47's being bad and do that in the name of the MAC-11 gang Anything else the org should know?: my credit card info is: nr...
  12. BooingBison

    Diablos Applications

  13. BooingBison

    Diablos Applications

    (OOC Questions): Out Of Character name: nickjedl Total playtime: 1m 16d Do you have Premium: Yeah Age: (IC Questions): In game name: Nick Beckmen Current list of car ownership: Porsche 918 Spyder, Merc E63 AMG, GMC Syclone Previous organizations: La Raton Laveur, English Defence League, Vault Of...
  14. BooingBison

    Speaking to dutchies

    StukTV used to be a channel where their viewers could submit crazy awesome challenges for them to do. Like breaking into a theme park and spend the night there. As they're getting older they are transitioning in more of a professional production with actual shows like: Jachtseizoen where they...
  15. BooingBison

    Speaking to dutchies

    It's a fun channel and they're everything but the Paul brothers. Also use Comment next time
  16. BooingBison

    Speaking to dutchies

    hit me up in dem dm's yo No seriously, go to YouTube and subscribe to StukTV. It's a Dutch channel but it's genuinely amazing.
  17. BooingBison

    [Suggestion] The mayor

    So how would I go about doing donald trump rp? He can tweet dumb shit and get away with it, so why can't the mayor in a game?
  18. BooingBison

    The submitted message is too long to be processed. Please shorten in.

    To resolve I suggest uploading them to Imgur first
  19. BooingBison

    ph accepted

    ph accepted
  20. BooingBison

    People taking In-Character Moments to OOC.

    I am guilty of this and I am disgusted by myself. Sorry
  21. BooingBison

    Only allowed to raid with your own Organisation

    I think a change of the rule into this direction would work against the good of the server. A fun thing about PERP is that you do a lot of different stuff with a lot of different people, changing this rule would take that away. Another thing that I find a negative aspect is that you will create...
  22. BooingBison

    Server not new player friendly at all.

    That was the right thing to do, you probably made that new player's day. Chances were that he would've just quit after getting them confiscated. Unfortunately there aren't many people like that in the PLPD, there's plenty that would just confiscate all the drugs, causing the new player to quit...
  23. BooingBison

    Server not new player friendly at all.

    In my opinion this server is shit at getting new players just because of it's extensive list of rules and laws, PLPD comes and ruins everything every time and the lack of tutorials about very simple things. I think that people ask for help in help chat or OOC about 40 times a day in total, I...
  24. BooingBison

    : )))

    Can I use my mom's credit card for this org?
  25. BooingBison

    Nightclub Moscow

    Yes please
  26. BooingBison

    Nightclub Moscow

    Welcome to the official website of Nightclub Moscow at Bazaar Shop 9. Nightclub Moscow is a public nightclub aimed to make raving fun again. We are owned by the one and only Nick Beckmen. On this webpage you'll find some photos and a vlog of our first opening.
  27. BooingBison

    1 year of Kenty... | Thank you for Everything!

    Pleasure is all mine sir
  28. BooingBison

    Paralake Partnership Applications

    you make me angry
  29. BooingBison

    DJ Conyo - My Joe Baggers

    god is real