People taking In-Character Moments to OOC.

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So recently, it has come to my attention that people holding grudges over In-Character situations and bringing it to OOC is more common then ever. People have been using situations within In-game and In-Character, most commonly negative impacts occuring In-Character, I'm not bringing a point to the table, but I just want to see people's takes on the whole grudge situations.

Lets get a chat and lets see what makes people hold these grudges.
this has been in perp for a long ass time and most people already know this
This will always be the case as long as the only punishment for abusing OOC is a warning for 1.1. Give staff the power to hand out 24 hour OOC mutes, that should stop at least some of the salt.
Gotta agree here with Crêpes. Even though my man MachineGunO is banned, we raided eachother ingame and we played PUBG together.
I don't see the point in getting mad at someone OOC for stealing your virtual drugs.
Kinda sad how many players are like 14-17 and still act like 7 year olds... really really sad. There was an incident a few days ago where we had attempted stealing a players car and boy was he salty; wrote kenty a bunch of toxic steam messages and deleted him afterwards. Real nice right? People need to grow up and stop taking shit so personally otherwise this community is going to plummet with the amount of toxicity.
The community has drifted further away from the typical Roleplay mindset and people nowadays just want to win. The issue here is raiding someone isn't seen as "Banter" nowadays.

Its garrys mod, a game made to fuck around with, and when people fuck about with your base or your character you keep it in character and deal with them. Someone shot up your car? Shoot up theirs, don't pencil push the forums because that's how you think you can win the game.

Another example of this thats sprung up lately is the mayor controversies in OOC where everyone flames the mayor in OOC if taxes arent 0%. Tbh the staff team should just start whipping out warns and bans for it considering its an attempt at metagaming.
I don't think that many people are even pretending to be anything else than they are in real life so obviously someone is gonna take IC stuff personally. I have never pretended to be playing as a character, I have always been myself and probably 95% of the people who play on the server are just being the same people as they are in real life. IC hate has always been brought to OOC and OOC hate to IC and it will be that way until staff decides to do something about it.
I pretend to be a character, If you think my accent is real then you've all been duped!
people are toxic as usual, if you hold grudges against someone for what they did IC to you in a ROLEPLAY server then you're a manchild, simple as that

why does it have to be MAN child? why can't it be PERSON child?
