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  1. BooingBison

    Server Events: 8th & 9th September

    When will you organise Roblox deathrun??? It's the most requested event!!!! All jokes aside: Thanks!
  2. BooingBison


    If you think leaving is the solution I can't stop you mister Tadgee. I shall be waiting for the moment you return... edit: omg get the joke :angry:
  3. BooingBison

    Dubwye- I'm BACK! :D

    Welcome back to PERPHeads Serious Roleplay server. CitizenHack is still 40% off gmod lifetime if you're interested.
  4. BooingBison

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

    Don't take it too personal, I just invite everyone that's online like 3 or 4 times a day
  5. BooingBison

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

    ESP is not hacks, its game enhancing techniques
  6. BooingBison

    Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

    So you were using hacks? I thought you were joking all the time, now I don't feel so bad about using them myself Vault of Memes shall live on in honour of it's creator When are you going to make a ban dispute because obviously you were not hacking
  7. BooingBison

    City Funding Rework

    Discussion Post: [link here] Main Idea: Rework the entire city funding system so mayors have to manage the city and can't just be AFK the entire time. Full description of the idea: First of all, I would rearrange and rename the tabs in the menu to: Summary - Taxation - Police department -...
  8. BooingBison

    Fire alarms required by law / pre-installed upon purchasing a property

    Discussion Post: [link here] Main Idea: Fire alarms required by law / pre-installed upon purchasing a property Full description of the idea: Fire alarms should be standard or required by law in all apartment buildings (Slums, Projex and Regals) and the Bazaar stores because of general safety...
  9. BooingBison

    Update Log - 31/08/2018

    thank you
  10. BooingBison

    AR on mango

    Your YouTube video doesn't seem to be working.
  11. BooingBison

    [Suggestion] Change to rule 3.20

    Honestly I always thought you could leave during black screen, I have done this many, many times... Anyway I support your rule edit because if you have to wait for staff to respond it can take 2 hours and what's the point in staying online if you don't contribute to roleplay at all while...
  12. BooingBison

    Bans becoming more frequent again?

    I often minge around and have yet to be banned. The trick is knowing who to minge around with, where and when. Don't go fake gunpointing someone at City Hall when people are signing up for mayor, someone is going to call the cops, you are going to lose your gun, and you will have impacted other...
  13. BooingBison

    New Hard Drive? extremely terrible news

    Honestly, what you want to do is above stupid. 4 10TB Server drives in a desktop? A big nono. For one thing, if you want that 40TB of storage you will have to configure them in RAID 0. That means when 1 drive dies, you lose everything at once. Even if you put them in RAID 10 (safest option)...
  14. BooingBison

    New Hard Drive? extremely terrible news

    I see someone else already put it, but I am going to comment it again in big red letters: !!!! RAID IS NOT A BACKUP !!!!
  15. BooingBison

    project car

    update: sticker example
  16. BooingBison

    project car

    wheres the stickers for free horsepowers?????
  17. BooingBison

    Changes to Senior Administration

    So if I understand this correctly, whenever Ayjay or Tiny come on, I have to say gungame123 in OOC? Felicidades a los administradores
  18. BooingBison

    Bringing back the Tracksuits and Sport Shoes

    You forgot a pro: Slav RP
  19. BooingBison

    [Discussion] Enforcing 2.9

    Could not agree more. Whenever I see someone ask for help I always try to help out to the best of my abilities because those people ask that question because they don't know the answer. They don't ask the question to get a stupid joke or misleading response. Please modmins or higher, start...
  20. BooingBison

    12.7 - Emergency Vehicles

    I would actually love to see this change go through and people actually follow the law as well. I often move aside when an emergency vehicle wants to overtake me, but unfortunately I'm one of the few...
  21. BooingBison

    How to be the roadcrew

  22. BooingBison

    How to be the roadcrew

    I'm blind, my bad... Edit: And thanks for the sticky!
  23. BooingBison

    How to be the roadcrew

    Around half an hour I think I have edited it to mention the repair skill, but I do not see the use of it. After I fixed 3 cars it already went up to 8/8. I mainly made this just for the people asking how to tow the vehicle, but without the other explanation it wouldn't be a complete tutorial...
  24. BooingBison

    How to be the roadcrew

    Hello players of PERPHeads serious roleplay server. In this tutorial I am going to cover the entire roadcrew job. What is roadcrew? Roadcrew is not a government job, but you are employed by the city. Your job is to fix broken vehicles and / or tow them to your station. What does it pay? The...
  25. BooingBison

    Parts of the game with no use

    I have actually suggested this before but some good remarks were made on it. Where would it go underground? Where would it go above ground? If this were to be implemented which I think is a great idea the whole monorail system should go underground and become a loop so multiple cars can go...
  26. BooingBison

    Parts of the game with no use

    There is a whole side of the city hall that is unused. It should have a purpose, it's the spawn, spawns are supposed to be used. Wood Cabins are just a terrible location to base because of wallbang, they don't really have a use. They should bring back Farm with a farming job or something, that...
  27. BooingBison

    Robbie Rotten appreciation thread

    Please have a look at the /r/dankmemes subreddit and upvote the top memes. They dedicated the last 24 hours to Robbie memes only.
  28. BooingBison

    2 screeens help thank

    i have 3 monitor, i not have issue, i play window borderless, pls try
  29. BooingBison

    How to grow the drugs with the planter box

    Should've just mingelocked all the doors and waited it out with you haha
  30. BooingBison

    Simultaneous autism montage

    thx for help at 2:15