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  1. BooingBison

    How to grow the drugs with the planter box

    Edited, thank you.
  2. BooingBison

    How to grow the drugs with the planter box

    They gave me one, that's the best part. And thank you
  3. BooingBison

    How to grow the drugs with the planter box

    Big thanks to the PLPD zerg for confiscating my Planter Box while I was making this tutorial! Couldn't have done it without them!
  4. BooingBison

    How to grow the drugs with the planter box

    I see a lot of questions on how to do drugs in the Help chat. Ljungberg's Beginner Guide does not cover the Planter Box, so I decided to make a tutorial for it. Keep in mind that for this to work you need Crafting 4 and Intelligence 2, or you can let someone else craft for you. To grow with a...
  5. BooingBison

    The Republic of Wadiya

    Beckmen Armory can supply you with any types of bombs for your business. Just shout my name in OOC and we'll meet at city hall.
  6. BooingBison

    Roadcrew Truck

    If the truck can still go flying after being swapped this has support from me.
  7. BooingBison

    Update Log - 08/08/2018

    thank you
  8. BooingBison

    GIVEAWAY - 200k

    Twentythree 23
  9. BooingBison


    Select the S EVO as your boot drive, so first option in boot loader
  10. BooingBison


    I see you have a SanDisk SSD, so that might have died. Are you able to plug the SSD into another pc as a secondary drive? If you can, do that. Download and install CrystalDiskInfo and check if the drive is still good. Otherwise just reinstall Windows, fixes it every time. EDIT: Okay so in the...
  11. BooingBison

    Solicitud de acción

    If you have any proof of that please feel free to reply it here. It's the least you can do after you jacked my bobby pin. :(
  12. BooingBison

    Solicitud de acción

    Since I was asleep here are my counter arguments: @Super_ So you would shoot someone in real life over picking up a simple revolver? I think the situation of me picking up the revolver could've entirely be resolved without shooting me and just waiting an extra second and telling me to drop it...
  13. BooingBison

    Solicitud de acción

    Your Steam/In-game Name: nickjedl / Nick Beckmen His/Her Steam/In-game Name/SteamID: Stav Abergal / N0oni:D_kiki / STEAM_0:1:108145691 / @✪[Sky]-Nooni Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player appears to be very trigger happy. Not breaking any rules specifically but just 2.1 Play...
  14. BooingBison

    Server Events: 20/07/2018

    thanks what time zone?
  15. BooingBison

    Give SS their own voice radio

    I think this is a great idea and should not be that hard to implement. Probably only some copy pasting is required. It could also use the B key since that's unmapped for SS anyway. Do you think the mayor should be able to hear this radio or not? A downside would be that the coppers would not...
  16. BooingBison


    Oh yeah I meant source, sorry, fixing it now.
  17. BooingBison


    I am pretty sure the ATM is a perpheads content texture and not a CS:Source texture. So let's take the scenario that your addons keep uninstalling every time you reboot GMOD. Can you check if there's any addons in the GMOD addon menu ingame? If not, try subscribing, do not restart gmod, and...
  18. BooingBison

    504 Gotti Boyz Applications

    Out Of Character name: nickjedl Total playtime: 1 month and 1 day Do you have Premium: Not at the moment because I'll be working for 2 weeks from 08:00 to 21:00 so I'll not have enough time to play to make it worthwhile. But when I have time I have VIP. Age: 18 In game name: Nick Beckmen...
  19. BooingBison

    Death To Jamie Wood.

    +support Well executed and good use of money. May I know what Fiverr seller this is?
  20. BooingBison

    V5 ROUNDABOUT IS OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good test, now we need someone to build this every day
  21. BooingBison

    Why do shotguns still do this

    Congratulations on the pistol marksman ship level increase +1
  22. BooingBison

    Roadcrew dun goofed
  23. BooingBison

    Petición para reembolso

    Your in-game name: Nick Beckmen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 What do you need refunded: 1 car repair Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because running over a sweater does not disable your engine to the point that it does not start anymore. Evidence:
  24. BooingBison

    Warrant Notification

    Too bad for those people. They shouldn't be AFK inside of the PD in the first place. Still, the doors should auto open after a period of time.
  25. BooingBison

    Warrant Notification

    I DONT UNDERSTAND SIR PLEASE EXPLAIN EDIT: nvm i do now, haha funny comment joe i like it +1
  26. BooingBison

    Warrant Notification

    I also support the closing doors idea. Not a notification or automatic handcuff.
  27. BooingBison

    [Suggestion] Joining a job to check if you're warranted or not

    Quick addition: Perhaps there could be a timer between joining a job and leaving a job? If you have to wait 5 minutes before you can quit the job again nobody is going to attempt job abusing I think.
  28. BooingBison

    [Suggestion] Joining a job to check if you're warranted or not

    It does not say that in the rule specifically, perhaps it should be added. I know it's 3.4, I mentioned that in the original post, but it should be added black on white somewhere.
  29. BooingBison

    [Suggestion] Joining a job to check if you're warranted or not

    Yep, yet still people go there to check if theyre warranted or not.