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  1. Feras

    AR on marcus hudson

    So we are not talking about the car when i wanted to steal it you told me the rule i learned and followed it. didnt say anything i sed ok then left (something like that) then you decided to go hop on ur car try to run me over failed multiple times so i am refusing to belive that it was on...
  2. Feras

    AR on marcus hudson

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Feras Alzarah His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Marcus Hudson His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:205542456 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This person ran away from a gun point and a bullet shot with his car after i mugged him he decided to go on his car then try to run me over he...
  3. Feras

    AR on Feras

    umm... no unfortunatly cause the demo is long lost in demo section if i will get it it might take hours and hours to search there is no logs?
  4. Feras

    Mohammad Family (Returns)

    -IG Name : Feras Alzarah -OOC Name : Feras -OOC Age : 15 -Amount of days In-Game : 3 weeks -Amount of RP experiance : not that bad -Time since last ban (if any) : 11-Apr-2017 -Amount of bans, warnings (if any) : 11-Apr-2017 Not sure -Previous org experiance (if any) : None -How many days...
  5. Feras

    my name is baklaw and i a sombooooooooooooooooooooooooode

    my name is baklaw and i a sombooooooooooooooooooooooooode
  6. Feras

    AR on Feras

    i meant you didnt get arrested my friend i didnt mean you didnt give me my stuff back, you did give it me back
  7. Feras

    AR on Feras

    you didnt he let us go and when i killed you the officer investigated and he let me go then i disconnected as i sed officer came and dealt with this situation and he let me go. and thats after the your death and as i sed when the officer dealt with it he confiscated the weapon you can hop on...
  8. Feras

    AR on Feras

    Well, he mugged me. after the mugging I took a phone out of my storage, then called the cops, the cops didnt do anything so he released us both then when i went back to my shop i picked a gun up looked around for officers didnt find any then he took a gun out wanted to shoot me he didnt for some...
  9. Feras

    thanks guys <3

    thanks guys <3