Search results

  1. Harley

    Bus driver job:

    Why would it need to be helpers+ only lol, u are making a job for only a small amount of the players so it will get even more dead after a while. If you are saying it needs to be helpers+ to avoid minging, look at rc. Many more possibilities to minge as rc than a busdriver lol.
  2. Harley

    impossible to crowbar pd door

    Type of bug: idk Description of the bug: The door at the parking lot is impossible to crowbar. How to reproduce the bug: Crowbar the door *Media:
  3. Harley

    We need new players

    I feel like helpers are only used because it helps to get enforcer. Would love to see this rank being used by people that are actually willing to help and doesn’t use it because it has to.
  4. Harley

    Litteraly got 1080'd

    Litteraly got 1080'd
  5. Harley

    Server Suggestion Make picture frames useful

    Imagine people use a picture of there head and put it behind there defence...
  6. Harley

    Server Suggestion Crafting - Remove Clicking, Add AFK Check

    Be happy with the current system, you have to remember we had to craft every single part manually. Spending more than double the crafting time, crafting hundreds of refined metals, most of yall won’t know the pain we had back then
  7. Harley

    tfu limet

    Again I hear the 'in real life' argument. This shouldn't be based of real life. Have u ever seen a group of 10 people shoot at officers on the streets? I haven't. Also I cba waiting till 1 am for the cop slots to go down lol. Just reduce the slots to 4 like it used to be. And add max org slots...
  8. Harley

    tfu limet

    This litteraly has a bad effect on players that aren't in a big org, you can basicaly do nothing when there is 12+ cops. Because if you decide to raid or do any criminal activity, you will have to compete with a whole army of 12+ cops including tfu's... If you think about it, it really is a...
  9. Harley

    Clearer windows

    Main Idea: Remake the current windows Full description of the idea: Change most of the windows and make it more see through. Or more realistic Why should it be added?: It’s currently pretty hard and annoying to see through most of the windows because it has some kind of white hue. It’s even...
  10. Harley

    @Aquaa you got some nice eyes man

    @Aquaa you got some nice eyes man
  11. Harley


    But whenever you manage to kill them with 5 times less man power, they feel like something is wrong and calls you a cheater...
  12. Harley

    Hayden's appeal

    @SpaceShots Like I said before, you are seeing him as the person he was 1 year ago. He probally changed by now.
  13. Harley

    Hayden's appeal

    I mean I think he has tried to ban evade 8 times because he really miss perp, and I think he will do hes best if he gets unbanned. He might’ve been a toxic person but you need to give him a chance to prove that he has changed. Now you are basically judging him by the profile he had 1 year ago...
  14. Harley


    I solo raided you guys and killed 4 of your members, I knew you live there too. You also followed me and acted strange when I drove there. The only reason to gp me is to murder me and get revenge, Complying with you would've putted my life even more at risk, that's why I tried to act quickly to...
  15. Harley

    Ban apology Junior / Jamar

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: Brinch and Tinyslayer How long were you banned for: Permanently Your Steam Name: Nick Gurth / Big smoke Your In-game Name: Junior Naylor / Jamar Kalifa Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56187888 / STEAM_0:0:517556141 Why were...
  16. Harley

    The Corleone Mafia - Applications OPEN

    Ingame name: Harley Mack Steam Name: Harley Crack Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:183271065 Total playtime: 2m 11d Are you a VIP: yes List of all cars owned: Mclaren p1, GMC vandura What can you craft: everything //125 When are you mostly online: mostly in the evening In which organizations have you been...
  17. Harley

    Bus driver job:

    Evocity had busstops, paralake doesn’t so I think it wouldn’t work on the current map, maybe they can include them in v5 if this gets accepted
  18. Harley

    Weapon fix: M4A1

    Yeah, i use the m4 a lot so i got used to it. But whenever I use something like a scar, It totally fks me up because there is so little recoil.
  19. Harley

    Lol sure more like silver elite master

    Lol sure more like silver elite master
  20. Harley

    @Palodhi Wanna play later? What rank r u

    @Palodhi Wanna play later? What rank r u
  21. Harley

    @Palodhi you play siege?

    @Palodhi you play siege?
  22. Harley

    Folder Cleanout

    Shouldve dropped the gun without a mag and watch his reaction while u beat him
  23. Harley

    The IRA

    Application Bank: 500k Cars: mclaren p1, gmc vandura Guns: 60 rifles atm + other weapons Skill: Good shooting Why should we accept you: Always down for action. No fear of losing anything
  24. Harley

    Billy Ray going for now..

    I don’t understand how people make ar’s while they are on-duty. They litteraly don’t loose anything but time making the ar. Will miss you
  25. Harley

    New melee weapon: meat cleaver.

    Could add baseball bats with nails too. Just be able to combine nails + baseball bat. For high bleeding damage
  26. Harley


  27. Harley

    Actually make it so guns don't impact your aim.

    Instead of the gun spassing out. Make the weapon less accurate while jumping like in csgo.
  28. Harley

    Actually make it so guns don't impact your aim.

    @Exnem big oof
  29. Harley

    Anonymous adverts

    The government does