Could be that you where on at peak time and there was delay, try pressing once and being patient. Make sure your haven't accidentally unbound it aswell.
Judging by how long it has been since posting and being told too upload a demo, it seems to me like either you don't need a refund or you feel that it is not worth the effort. If you really want your stuff back you need to upload a demo to support the claim.
Good idea, this would give advantages to people with a high firearms level when making a shop that crafts on demand. I like this a lot, even if I do enjoy sitting on ovens for hours crafting weapons. (Not even being ironic)
I was trying to get across the fact that people don't understand that they can't kill come one after mugging them because of 2.5 so It should be specified. It still isn't even after the rule update.
I am sorry that I did not warn you of the changes that where coming, however i didn't know myself. when home on Sunday i will have a talk with Viktor about moving the org fully back in to his control.
Hey just thought I would explain where i have been and where will be for a little longer. basically Friday night I went to prom and planned to write this Saturday morning before i went on holiday, problem with that was party didn't finish till 4AM ish and i was still drunk when i woke up to...