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  1. Ben Lockwood


    Welcome to the community, hope to see you in game
  2. Ben Lockwood

    Can't Use Siren

    Could be that you where on at peak time and there was delay, try pressing once and being patient. Make sure your haven't accidentally unbound it aswell.
  3. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    You sir are rude
  4. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Is a nice man.
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Mugging change or new rule

    Yeah I talked with him too, I believe he typed an alteration to this if you wanna grab this or we can do it before he gets back, up to you fam :)
  6. Ben Lockwood


    Please neaten this up so it is easier for senior administration to look through.
  7. Ben Lockwood

    Standish' very late Hi

    If you don't know who he is in game, he is probably the guy who killed everyone around you before you could even pull a gun.
  8. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    Not a bug, evil took control of the family back so he needed to remake and since you where not around you did not get moved.
  9. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Is mad bro.
  10. Ben Lockwood

    Refund request for mp5,deagle by littleegg_09

    Judging by how long it has been since posting and being told too upload a demo, it seems to me like either you don't need a refund or you feel that it is not worth the effort. If you really want your stuff back you need to upload a demo to support the claim.
  11. Ben Lockwood

    Refund Request

    Standish had the same issue with the same car, think this should be accepted.
  12. Ben Lockwood

    Refund request - shotgun.

    Main problem is that when you walk in to an active raid you risk your gun. However what that SS agent was doing in there is beyond me.
  13. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Is clearly a compulsive liar.
  14. Ben Lockwood

    Firearms Improvement

    Good idea, this would give advantages to people with a high firearms level when making a shop that crafts on demand. I like this a lot, even if I do enjoy sitting on ovens for hours crafting weapons. (Not even being ironic)
  15. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Has not been around for a while.
  16. Ben Lockwood

    Mugging change or new rule

    I was trying to get across the fact that people don't understand that they can't kill come one after mugging them because of 2.5 so It should be specified. It still isn't even after the rule update.
  17. Ben Lockwood

    Strangest thing to happen to you in game?

    Trying to mug 20 people at once in the underpass with standish, it ended ok actually.
  18. Ben Lockwood

    My inactivity

    Vange boy had us all going.
  19. Ben Lockwood

    If anyone doesn't know Ben Lockwood already.

    Yah much confusion that day.
  20. Ben Lockwood

    Disconnect: Fail Advert

    That's all well and good, not really sure what you want to achieve with this forum post though?
  21. Ben Lockwood

    Got confused by SS Agent raiding us.

    I'm not sure but I think that May be sir demotan. Could be wrong though. Maybe include his name in the request.
  22. Ben Lockwood

    Bully Reece's inactivity

    800 k gone :/. cya dave
  23. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    Home now I will help with the process.
  24. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    Be patient and im sure the rewards will be worth it however there is a lot to be done in a short time when i get home.
  25. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    I am sorry that I did not warn you of the changes that where coming, however i didn't know myself. when home on Sunday i will have a talk with Viktor about moving the org fully back in to his control.
  26. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    Good to have the real leader of the family back. (can't cope with that shit.) :)
  27. Ben Lockwood

    Jon's Fan Club

    Always good to hear that while I am away we have become protection for a fan club xD good luck with the org man.
  28. Ben Lockwood

    Ben Lockwood's late inactivity notice

    Hey just thought I would explain where i have been and where will be for a little longer. basically Friday night I went to prom and planned to write this Saturday morning before i went on holiday, problem with that was party didn't finish till 4AM ish and i was still drunk when i woke up to...
  29. Ben Lockwood

    If anyone doesn't know Ben Lockwood already.

    Missed a few expletives in there xD.