Thread for documents of encounters with and the discussion of the green justice orbs.

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In my 3 days on this server, I have discovered an extremely fascinating phenomenon, the green justice orbs. Only one of them will appear in a location unless it is a time of dire need. They sometimes materialize as individuals such as Rutger Cornfield or Tobi Possible to deal out justice when the police cannot; But I know that these are mere aliases and proxy faces of the mysterious entities. I haven't had a camera on hand to photograph them, if anyone has any opinions about these mysterious beings; which I have dubbed MINS: Mysterious Intruding Neutral Systems, then please share your theories, I think that they are a universal AI, installed by the Illuminati or something.

Holy Spurit, a like.
Well for them to have been installed by the Illuminati, the Illuminati would have to actually exist, which is not the case as of the late 1700s. :)
PhlyTrikx said:
Well for them to have been installed by the Illuminati, the Illuminati would have to actually exist, which is not the case as of the late 1700s. :)
The revolutionary french governemt fell into a wormhole, and appeared in our time. It's them.
I think I've sighted one of these strange beings, as you can see in the photo, they do possess the ability to glide through the Paralake sky.

Swiper The Fox said:
I think I've sighted one of these strange beings, as you can see in the photo, they do possess the ability to glide through the Paralake sky.

Holy motha' O God...
I would like to add that I do not see these entities as evil or dangerous; rather mysterious and with a true sense of justice.
While this isn't very exciting, you can see that the orb's text device is activated. This is a new specimen, I shall name him: mANerWafl
The Marcx Man said:
While this isn't very exciting, you can see that the orb's text device is activated. This is a new specimen, I shall name him: mANerWafl
--Removed by me--
PhlyTrikx said:
Well for them to have been installed by the Illuminati, the Illuminati would have to actually exist, which is not the case as of the late 1700s. :)
Are you telling me Louis XVI was never decapitated, he was just kidnapped only to be sent into the future? :o
PhlyTrikx said:
Well for them to have been installed by the Illuminati, the Illuminati would have to actually exist, which is not the case as of the late 1700s. :)
No, he's Obamas sex slave now.
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