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  1. Inactivity notice, maybe leaving Daniel Loyds

    Finally! jk love you......You forgot me ;)
  2. Resignation

    Bye Bye ind!
  3. Tobi's Resignation

    Bye Tobi. I wish the best for you and hope things go well. We haven't really Rp'ed very much, but we had our moments. Your a great guy.
  4. Cya Guys

    Bye Liam :( </3 So sad to see some of my favorite people go. I hope the best of luck to you in the future and moving on with your life. I had a lot of fun with you, when it comes to running 3 people over with Ayjay's raptor or just shooting down the whole entire police force after robbing the...
  5. Bishop Brothers

    No applications at the moment.
  6. Bishop Brothers

    Bishop's are a friendly pair of brothers. We don't like to cause harm unless, harmed. We came into this city and have built the Bishop name into a good name and I don't plan on ruining any time soon. We are brother's we stick together until the end. We are one as a pact, never break the pact...
  7. Pepitoz Inactivity Notice

    See ya later pal! <3
  8. Lockwood's Birthday

  9. EVIL's Resignation

    Awh :( Another one..God dammit.
  10. Senlin's Resignation

    NOOOOOOOOO! I wont accept this...... Who is gonna have a bat fight with me now :( Ill miss you on the staff team Robin. I hope things go good for you. Hope to see you soon.
  11. Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    I honestly don't think trying to CDM them was a very appropriate thing to do. Not a very realistic action that took place. I still am not understanding who you told the medic to not revive. It seems like a cover-up if you ask me. Since Ozain said that below I will +Support.
  12. Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    I was going to look at the demo but unfortunately it seems as if this demo is wrong. I went and watched from tick 29300 And it was just you being chased by cops, being arrested, and then doing drugs....I don't know if I'm going insane or if this was just a mistake on your part.
  13. The Belinsky Family

    I wanna join ;(
  14. Leyer32s resignation post.

    I just want to point this out, I understand everyone is upset on people leaving for another server, but atleast show them the respect they deserve from the times you all had with them. Ill miss you layer and everyone else that has resigned. Hating is nothing but a immature thing to do, just keep...
  15. Resigning from staff

    Have fun Sam. I had fun cooking over 1k meth with you.
  16. Greatest Perpheads moment. Watch!

    I was there!
  17. Inactivity post

    See you soon sen.
  18. Hi.

  19. Ban Request

    I can vouch for Pepitoz because he is right. Even though I remember this being days ago, He is correct. I know he broke rules 3.3 , 3.4, 1.1. That's all I can remember.
  20. Some form of quantity/scroll bar for storage items.

    Great Idea. Its a pain in the ass sometimes. +support
  21. Crescendo - Applications

    In-Game Name: Michael Bishop Age: 17 Why we should accept you for Crescendo: First off, I am very handy with melee and guns. I can RP to my best ability. I know most of the rules and follow them everyday. Ayjay you know me I'm a nice, fun, and funny guy. I am loyal to my org until I feel as if...
  22. Bully Reece's inactivity

    Well then.
  23. Strangest thing to happen to you in game?

    Joshua did bad things to this man ** Joshua gags and ties james ** Joshua drgas james [Whisper] James Madison: pls no! ** Joshua pulls james pants down [Whisper] James Madison: wtf ** Joshua spreads his ass cheeks ** Joshua shoves knife into his rectum [Whisper] James Madison: well then **...
  24. Refund Request - Car

    The format is a big messy..
  25. Blackdown, Enforcer?

    Your call and all blackdown but I don't think your cut out for it. You were demoted for a reason, and banned. Suffer the punishment.
  26. Ringtone Suggestions

    Amazing +support!
  27. Mugging change or new rule

    Unnecessary post - Removed by Swiper The Fox.
  28. What new games do you want?

    Battlefield Hardline, Sims 4, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, GTA 5 for PC.
  29. fps lag crashes

    I agree with Eyecon. Shit make no sense.
  30. YES!! IT WORKS!

    Yay robin!!