I joined the server around October 2013.
This is the day I resign from my rank as Moderator on Perpheads. It has been an amazing time being on the server and meet so many wonderful and friendly people. Perpheads has meant alot for me since i joined the server.
First of all it helped me getting better at speaking English, but also helped me communicating better between people than i either see real life or in game. I appreciate everyone that i have seen on the server and what you've done to me. I don't quit Perpheads because i don't like it. I quit because i am getting a bit bored and i think i'm using to much of my spare time on the server.
I feel i'm kinda addicted to play on the server. I dont wanna judge anyone since it's my own responsibility, but i feel like i wanna do something else. It's amazing what kind of community Perpheads really is. I'm impressed of every single minut i've spend with all of you guys on the server.
I know i've been inactive some times while playing on the server, but this time i it's more serious. I wanna say thanks and good luck to every SINGLE person that I've either helped, spoke to, banned, warned, laughed or anything with on the server. So many amazing moments and situations i've been from the start. I feel for doing something else now and focus more on my new education. I cant count and remember everyones name of people so i just wanna thank all of you and have fun, good luck.
Thanks to all the Staff members that I've meet. Thanks to the owners for letting me join the the awesome team.
I will miss you all and hope for your best in your incoming further.
Whenever i can get some minuts on the server, i will come on and say hello. But i wont be responsible enough to take care of my rank anymore.
Thanks to all of you. See ya another day.
Tobi. AKA Tobi Comrade
This is the day I resign from my rank as Moderator on Perpheads. It has been an amazing time being on the server and meet so many wonderful and friendly people. Perpheads has meant alot for me since i joined the server.
First of all it helped me getting better at speaking English, but also helped me communicating better between people than i either see real life or in game. I appreciate everyone that i have seen on the server and what you've done to me. I don't quit Perpheads because i don't like it. I quit because i am getting a bit bored and i think i'm using to much of my spare time on the server.
I feel i'm kinda addicted to play on the server. I dont wanna judge anyone since it's my own responsibility, but i feel like i wanna do something else. It's amazing what kind of community Perpheads really is. I'm impressed of every single minut i've spend with all of you guys on the server.
I know i've been inactive some times while playing on the server, but this time i it's more serious. I wanna say thanks and good luck to every SINGLE person that I've either helped, spoke to, banned, warned, laughed or anything with on the server. So many amazing moments and situations i've been from the start. I feel for doing something else now and focus more on my new education. I cant count and remember everyones name of people so i just wanna thank all of you and have fun, good luck.
Thanks to all the Staff members that I've meet. Thanks to the owners for letting me join the the awesome team.
I will miss you all and hope for your best in your incoming further.
Whenever i can get some minuts on the server, i will come on and say hello. But i wont be responsible enough to take care of my rank anymore.
Thanks to all of you. See ya another day.
Tobi. AKA Tobi Comrade