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  1. Who first started perpheads? What is the history behind the name..

    What Stephen says is basically all that you need to know about PERPHEADS But when it comes to the history of the name It kinda has to go back quite some time It all started out on VS3 PERP server where JonniB and Renato started playing one night when we were all laning. I refused to play with...
  2. Ind failing

    I don't see any reason you should increase the ban for what he's been saying in this thread. To be fair you have been more rude than him during this conversation and I'd just consider this as abusing your powers because a person doesn't agree with you.
  3. League of Legends Players?

    Dota2 > LoL
  4. Bank cooldown timer

    This is a SeriousRP server "The name of the server kinda explains itself" The server Is trying to have it as realistic as possible. If you consider SWAT irl. They are not going out every 5 minutes gunning down bank robbers or sniping people that are growing weed.
  5. Ban Request for the person going by the Rpname of "Johnm Doe"

    Everyone on the server records demos. You can find your demo in your "garrysmod/garrysmod/demos" folder
  6. Bank cooldown timer

    But then again this game mode isn't a deathmatch shooter. SWAT Job Is a job that isn't always "busy"
  7. Ban Request on StrangyNekoSan and Kiyoko

    The fact that he is perm'd still gives him the chance to proof his point here but that will not effect the situation he's currently in. Seeing as the evidence he has provided is not enough proof nor has he provided the full demo. So we'll just have to wait and see what happens now.
  8. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    This is a different situation which requires a different thread. Post a new thread or this will not be taken into consideration.
  9. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    If he's In my org or not has nothing to do with this. I'm pointing out the facts that you obviously don't have common sense. And I do help the people that are being reported for reason that are not valid. You "suspect" him of breaking fearrp when In the same video you broke more rules in such a...
  10. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    To answer your comment. In that situation the person shot at the police. So your point is invalid. If you're trying to be a smartass by sending a video that resembles this situation in no possible way. I suggest you don't do it in the future and at least watch the youtube video and listen to...
  11. Ban Request on StrangyNekoSan and Kiyoko

    If an admin requests the full demo. It is expected you deliver the full demo. Otherwise this may be taken as you are hiding some evidence.
  12. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    He picked the cuffs yes which makes him an accomplice but he was unarmed the entire time. Thus lethal force should not have been used. Ryuzaki had a good distance on the SWAT officer to actually escape the entire time. He had a escape plan using that car. The unarmed person in the car then got...
  13. RDM, FailRP, Attempted CDM

    Seeing as a demo has not been provided In a weeks time. I will close this case. Thread Closed
  14. Ban request 'Giahuy Hamilton'

    Seeing as a demo has not been provided after a week time since the ban request was posted I will disband this ban request. Thread Locked
  15. Fredy Admin Abuse

    Since there Is no one here that can provide any evidence of this ban request. There is no need to discuss this any further. Thread will be locked.
  16. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    As you can see of Bankai's comment he was unarmed. And he was not directly involved with attacking the mayor. He lockpicked a handcuffed person. A SWAT officer would not take the chances to kill a person who simply lockpicked. And the person who got killed for assisting a guy who once again...
  17. 3D Modeling corner

    You made those wallpapers / Logo's ?
  18. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    If I'm not mistake these rules apply to the SWAT aswell as the police officers. The man was unarmed that was running away he had a good distance on you so making a run for it was not a bad decision on his part but you continued to shoot at him while knowing he had no gun up. (Against the rules)...
  19. Sell cars to players

    Well Stephen what I was saying was more being directed to Ghostfanta and Mazz. Since to me It looks like they don't quite understand what he means by this suggestion.
  20. Ryuzaki Failing to FearRP

    Well what I'd like to know Is why were you following him and shooting at him in the first place. Secondly why did you blow up a car that a civilian owned and a person just jumped into. Too me It seems like you actually killed a innocent civilian doing that. Instead of just posting a video of...
  21. Gauging interest in my organizing a game of Werewolf

    Fair enough I say we give it a go.
  22. Sell cars to players

    Basically what he means is that If a player wants to get a new car to replace his own car. He should have the option to set it on sale. For other players to buy below the original price. Instead of selling to for 50% back to the dealer. He could sell it for up to 90% of the original price etc...
  23. Gauging interest in my organizing a game of Werewolf

    I'd like to know more about this. Is this basically a roleplay game where one person takes on the role of the "game master" etc ? I would be interested in doing a game of a "text based" RP. But what I've always wanted to get going was some in the feeling of D&D. But that would require people of...
  24. Should crouching use up stamina?

    Walking while crouched I would understand taking up stamina. However just being crouched shouldn't. I have a problem with sitting normally since I get annoyed and can't get into a good position so basically I crouch in my chair most of the day while playing video games or watching movies.
  25. Admin life.

    No you can not.
  26. temp tur

    You can see a easy way to post your demos in a thread that's above the one where you got the form.
  27. Cookie Clicker: Get clickin' and build your cookie empire.

    Yeah I know that but there is a achivement to actually cheat :P
  28. Cookie Clicker: Get clickin' and build your cookie empire.

    The thing is you can't get all the achivements without cheating.
  29. Cookie Clicker: Get clickin' and build your cookie empire.
  30. How to find Demos and Upload them.

    This thread is made for the purpose of how to find and upload demos. Demos are found in your "garrysmod/garrysmod/demos. Demos can be uploaded using this website! or Your demo folder will probably have lots of demos. If you're not sure which demo is...