Should crouching use up stamina?

Being in such a crouching position would be quite a workout for your legs. When you're out of stamin

  • I'm pro athlete and can crouch all day long

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  • 1 second of crouch takes 1/2 stamina

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  • 1 second of crouch takes 1 stamina

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  • 1 second of crouch takes 2 stamina

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  • Moving while crouched is like sprinting

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Being in such a crouching position would be quite a workout for your legs. When you're out of stamina, you won't be able to move while crouched.
There should be an alternative sitting position then, and that would just be extra work on top of all the stuff that the coders have planned already.
I don't think it should take up stamina, but after a while you get tired and cannot crouch for x amount of time.
This is a bit silly.
I don't know about you but crouch walking is just as difficult as walking normally.

Go on, try it. Go and crouch around the house.
It's easy. Simple. Not hard. Especially not at the speeds used ingame.

If you want it to use stamina, make a sort of "crouch sprint" where you can go slightly faster while crouched and holding shift.
Otherwise, bollocks is crouching a "workout for your legs". It's just the same as standing up.
I support this idea, cause I cant stay in a crouch position at all without screwing myself up, in real life. :]
Walking while crouched I would understand taking up stamina.
However just being crouched shouldn't. I have a problem with sitting normally since I get annoyed and can't get into a good position so basically I crouch in my chair most of the day while playing video games or watching movies.
C2W said:
I support this idea, cause I cant stay in a crouch position at all without screwing myself up, in real life. :]
You're the only one with that problem, Cyrus.
Huh? Why would crouching take up stamina, ever been out of breath because you crouch walked ? I think not xD
It would get your legs tired after a period of time but definitely not put you out of breath. I like the way crouching is at the moment, haven't seen it caused any problems.
what about rp dragging a tied up player? crouching is a good way to simulate the dificulty of dragging the person.
Who are these people who think 'crouch-move' is the same as sprinting!
Luke;n2939 said:
Who are these people who can 'crouch-move' without effort!

I can crouch walk as easily as I can walk.

If you're going to limit crouching, you might as well limit walking as well. Make it so people have to sleep for 8 hours a day to regenerate their stamina for that too.
I think it might depend on the level of the player's stamina.
It doesn't make sense to have crouching take up stamina. Crouching in real life takes up virtually no stamina at all.
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