Search results

  1. Mathias

    A few needed reccomendations

    Nah, I'm just trying to insult you.
  2. Mathias


    One of the top roleplayers of the community, a worthy gem. When I see his roleplay, /me's, /desc's or whatever it's like I'm reading a book. He's characters are just so well planned out and goes consistent from day one to the day a new one pops up. He's one of those people who bring back my hope...
  3. Mathias @Walker
  4. Mathias

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  5. Mathias

    Tha's right

    Tha's right
  6. Mathias

    Follow Me On Soundcloud

  7. Mathias


  8. Mathias

    Broren din er... noe spesielt.

    Broren din er... noe spesielt.
  9. Mathias

    No thanks

    No thanks
  10. Mathias

    Can't imagine what you had to go through, if you want to talk hit me up...

    Can't imagine what you had to go through, if you want to talk hit me up.
  11. Mathias

    It's more like social kamikaze.

    It's more like social kamikaze.
  12. Mathias

    For lykke med Fødselsdagen

    For lykke med Fødselsdagen
  13. Mathias

    Well it's a bit different

    Well it's a bit different
  14. Mathias

    @TheFrozenMonkeyKing ITS A JOKKKKKKEEEEEEW

    @TheFrozenMonkeyKing ITS A JOKKKKKKEEEEEEW
  15. Mathias


  16. Mathias

    On rust?

    On rust?
  17. Mathias

    You're late

    You're late
  18. Mathias
  19. Mathias

    You try too hard.

    You try too hard.
  20. Mathias

    If you want to be edgy then go and put plastic in the paper trash can

    If you want to be edgy then go and put plastic in the paper trash can
  21. Mathias


  22. Mathias

    To The Pop Genre

    Pretty sure this wasn't a thread to post your own music, there's already a thread for that. I think the point here is to find the pros and cons of the genre. We all have our own taste and we'll always try to throw some of our own music down someone else's pipe hole. The fact is we don't give a...
  23. Mathias

    To The Pop Genre

    You're going through a phase, give it some months and you'll change your mind.
  24. Mathias

    snapchat says otherwise

    snapchat says otherwise
  25. Mathias

    check snapchat

    check snapchat
  26. Mathias

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Buying Premium Your Steam Name: Mathias Your Steam ID: Your Roleplay Name: Mathias Brakkestad Buying Price (In-game money): 75k Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 Still Buying: (Please update when you are no longer buying): Yeah Additional Information: Yesyes
  27. Mathias

    Mathias | Resignation

    Music while reading I'm not going to write a long post about how I've grown apart from perp and all that. So I'll just tag some people. I'll probably be forgotten but whatever. @Prepper - You've been one of my dearest friends on the server. You've truly changed my way of roleplay and just my...
  28. Mathias

    My threads.

    If you have a problem make a complaint
  29. Mathias

    Brandon Heat breaking rules

    Pending Evidence is needed, you can find your demo's in your Garry's Mod folder. A guide can be found here
  30. Mathias

    AR on Zharkan16
