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  1. MegaFro

    Post your setup

    they mouse&keyboard with that wallpaper looks very matching
  2. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion OOC Mute

    Sadly people use OOC in charcter chat and voice chat all the time regardless
  3. MegaFro

    Ibrahims Montage

    I'm not one to rate montages because mine aren't better, but the kills where someone is unarmed, standing still really aren't anything interesting and idk why you put a kill just for the sake of it. Also that new player who was closing his door just was just a weird clip
  4. MegaFro

    New Stamina System - Input Wanted

    Being able to use cocaine for stamina would be great way to have more use for this item. I don't know about thirst being implemented, I mean I don't exactly mind but only as long as it's not too much of a nuisance. Also yeah, running to car garage is an actual headache so this would be great...
  5. MegaFro

    2021 Clips

    I haven't played a lot this year sadly, but I hope I'll dig something out
  6. MegaFro


    Can you add a "Breathing techinique tactic" because I don't know if this is because I was younger, but raiding anything made my heart go 200BMP and so I wouldn't be able to hit shit, so please add some pre-bank robbery relaxing breathing meditation techiniques please ok thanks
  7. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Modernise HUD

    Honestly yeah, we might all be used to the good old HUD but it literally looks like some garbage from 2009 I'm sorry
  8. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Secret Service Weapons

    Why make the attachments SO+? The PD has enough divide with the ranks, no need to bring it to another job and make it so that one group of people enjoys it more than the other.
  9. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Fishing Skill Level

    ...Yes that's what passive RP is, Idk personally, if you go out of your way to mug fishermen then you're kinda low and I don't like you
  10. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Low risk robberies

    This has been suggested time and time again and I don't understand why this hasn't been added one way or another
  11. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Fishing Skill Level

    In my opinion, it's pretty stupid how passive-rping can result in you getting mugged because all the fishing areas are out of sight
  12. MegaFro

    [SFM Short] The shooting range.

    Honestly this is very well done, I didn't even think of any of the imperfections that you mentioned because there is so much that was done well here, no need to focus on the negative. I don't know how SFM works but animations always seem incredibly hard so seriously good job.
  13. MegaFro

    TFU Raid Office with 0 Police casualties

    Lmao half the chat "why u raid no seriosuly why u couldnt see drugs why u raid whats the reason" and A1L goes like "No"
  14. MegaFro

    Update Log 10/11/2021 - City Update

    Bro imagine getting free security installed but you don't want to be secure
  15. MegaFro

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    The last part dude holy shit, how fucking incrdibly powerless I feel when playing at like 12 am, someone killed the entire PD and after you respawn and go back to patrolling they keep baiting you and drifting around you, so annoying but I have to ignore them because that'll piss them off lol
  16. MegaFro

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Lmao as an officer this deadass ruins immersion so much and causes a lot of extra stress because "If these people are just standing around in this shootout, could they possibly be involved and just kill me the second I turn around?"
  17. MegaFro

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Don't you think this is a bit too toxic? What if some people will go out of their way to shoot people who aren't involved in the shootout because of this logic? You never know. It did happen to me once and now I just dislike that person lol
  18. MegaFro

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    I've talked about this before but I'm pretty sure all the shootouters were like "boo hoo stfu kid" so thanks for raising this with your very respected voice in this awesome community.
  19. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Fire Truck Bullhorn

    Not exactly, it's just that this is just a horn and doesn't change the gameplay that much to the point where the job will suddenly become popular, but if the devs have time then no problem. If you want the firefighters to be more popular then there needs to be some serious rework.
  20. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Fire Truck Bullhorn

    Considering that like 2 people play FF I don't see this being very useful
  21. MegaFro

    New rule about ramming

    why is that unrealistics
  22. MegaFro

    Map Suggestion Make Paralake have snow

    this would actually be so cool
  23. MegaFro

    Rule 3.7 Addition

    Basing under a new players banner as an experienced player is such a backwards thing to do I'm actually surprised people don't feel shameful about that lol
  24. MegaFro

    [SFM Render] Rain

    Damnn this looks clean, I like the detail on that red car being blurry because it's passing, the scene feels very atmospheric
  25. MegaFro

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy

    Are you fucking kidding me??? I bought it a week ago for the full price fuck my life but damn driving in vr with rain set to max is the coziest thing ever, worth it regardless
  26. MegaFro

    Medic And Firefighters Rank Progression

    Ayo I suggested this years ago or nvm someone suggested this before me i think but mhm yes yeah right mhm okay
  27. MegaFro

    All the Mods 6

    lol is perp like 4chan
  28. MegaFro


    if you want to have a ukrainian rager on your team then sure
  29. MegaFro

    that actually worked

    I literally did and didn't hear anything