Server Suggestion Secret Service Weapons

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Suggestion Title: Secret Service Weapons
Suggestion Description:

Do one of the following:
  • Allow Secret Service agents ranked SO+ in the PLPD to equip pistol attachments exactly how normal officers are able to.
  • Re-add the MAC-10, MP9, or MP7 to the Secret Service armoury (requires "Armed Deployment" poilicy and can only be equipped by 2/3 agents) as
Why should this be added?:
Given the new Secret Service updates (they are now extremely conspicuous and cost significantly more to hire and maintain) I think that these changes would be warranted. Secret Service members are held to the same standards as PLPD Officers whilst on-duty and, given the update's changes, I think that changing up a few things related to Secret Service equipment is reasonable.

As it stands, Secret Service is now a premium and costs $500 plus $10/tax cycle.

What negatives could this have?:
Secret Service being considered overpowered because of their weapons and equipment (this is, however, balanced by their meagre armour, lack of anonymity, and increased city funds tariff)

Fewer Secret Service-related deaths caused by being killed by the nightstick.
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considering the way anyone would acquire ss, I don't think they should hand out tasers. maybe better guns to better protect the mayor, but definitely not a taser.
If you want better weapons, it should be a city policy, unlocked alongside the current one. Something like 5000$ initial
If you want better weapons, it should be a city policy, unlocked alongside the current one. Something like 5000$ initial
Perhaps part of the 'Armed Deployment' perk (as SS are police officers and are using this newly upgraded armoury too) to incentivize mayors to support their local police force?
The UZI and Mac 11 are both incredibly Dated weapons, Are difficult to use, but in the right hands are devastating. They both have 32 rounds of ammo which might prove too much for a government agency of this sort to have.
I agree with this suggestion tbh, but completely believe that access to higher weapons or tazer should rely on the user having the appropriate training via
I hate to say it but most of the people I've seen play SS actually have no idea how to play the game and end up breaking rules without even realizing it, hence the need for progression within the standard police department.
Why make the attachments SO+? The PD has enough divide with the ranks, no need to bring it to another job and make it so that one group of people enjoys it more than the other.
First things first, SS now have a taser if they are taser certified within the plpd, so that part of the suggestion got accepted.

Second thing is that at first i downvoted this. However reading these replies made me realise this can be a thing, however it should indeed be a policy like @money mentioned. It adds another extra thing you can decide on as mayor. Cause tbh not all mayors need SS with smgs.

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