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  1. Update Log - 03/03/2019

    will these be added for the next restart or?
  2. Bob Banden

  3. Making guns for PERP

    @Sorle i actually agree, add the p90, its a beast
  4. Making guns for PERP

  5. Customising Loadouts (on duty)

    Main idea: Customizing your loadout Description: Pretty self explantory, when you go on duty as an Officer, you will have the option to go down to the Armoury and talk to the person, there will be and option what asks you if you would like to customize your loadout. You click it and select...
  6. Changing name

    @TinySlayer are you happy to change peoples names. I remember being ignored when I asked ages ago
  7. Changing name

    'happy' to change someone's name lol
  8. New flip feature

    yeah but this is cool
  9. New flip feature

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: New feature for the chat, /flip. This could be used in many different ways, most likely the preferred way is another way to gamble other than rolling. @Super_ Full description of the idea: /flip, heads or tails. Why should it be added?: Can be used in a variety of...
  10. Being able to get into any vehicle as a passenger

    Main idea: Allowing ANYONE to get into ANY vehicle if on buddies list and or car is on public as a passenger Description: This will pretty much allow anyone to get into any vehicle as a passenger and what I mean by this is it includes people who are a job including the mayor, officers, medics...
  11. draxen

    ignore shitty quality, made with movie maker literally a whole 1 minute and 41 seconds of draxen's laugh. I'm not weird, he said he would love to see that.
  12. Suggestions.

  13. Adding a mansion

    yes oh my #v5confirmed
  14. Adding a mansion

    If there was to be a mansion, there would more likely need to have a hill what turns around a few times to allow all vehicles to get up like the one on rockford what leads up to the massive houses and that. obviously ignore the rockford dui checkpoint or whatever but you see what I mean at the...
  15. Farm

    Main Idea: Remove the whole of farm and or replace it with something else, it is completely useless. The only use for it is to hide from police. Full description of the idea: Remove the farm and some of the trees around the forest area because there is no reason for them at the moment and could...
  16. AR on @Ethan

    ethan wasn't dead
  17. AR on @Ethan

    Yeah without shooting the raider yeah nice.
  18. Omegalul

  19. What's Geforce Now like? latency? cloud gaming? hello?

    means nothing, used to say that alot when i used geforce now but nothing really ever happened, i just disabled it :)
  20. Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Josef Park Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5442038 What do you need refunded: 1x Loaded Remington 870 short Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Accepted IA on an officer who shot me when I was not a threat. Evidence: n/a...
  21. AR on Dan

    This was dealt with in an admin sit @Collier was the suspect who was being arrested and Dan technically admitted to his actions. No need for an AR.
  22. SCP: Secret Laboratory

    no u
  23. SCP: Secret Laboratory

    Playing SCP now, anyone who would like to come, come onto teamspeak and just poke someone in JJJackier's channel to be moved unless you already know the password then just join.
  24. SCP: Secret Laboratory

    Hopefully planning on playing around 7 / 7:30 tonight. If you are wanting to join then download the game (if you haven't already) and reply to this thread I guess so we know how many we are expecting.
  25. SCP: Secret Laboratory

    He died shortly after... @Taylor Never trust scientists.... @jjjackier @Logan Finch @other MTF guards Ahahahaha, thanks for the keycard... @gLaCiAl Karma is a bitch. @gLaCiAl @Racxes @jjjackier should be working now
  26. AR on Josef

    No need to get defensive mate, he was the original officer starting the pursuit. Why so salty?
  27. AR on Josef

    yeah i lied
  28. AR on Josef

    Hmm, these are meant to be comments. Must have typed it in the wrong box.
  29. AR on Josef

    1. you are not involved so don't reply or comment to this action request. 2. I consider this slander because he is accusing me if the roles were switched and someone did this to me and then accused me saying that I would report the person. This is false. End off.