Founded by your lord and savior @Google Chrome
With a guy that's better than Shroud (@Fintuss) on our side, we are guaranteed to take over Paralake.
We are a 4fun org we don't appreciate tryhards or terrorists (you know what kind of people I'm talking about).
All our org members shall be named after the one and only God Bob Bobov (@Google Chrome)
The current amount of members 11.
We mostly accept sweaters that are new to the server and not experienced players, applications will be done on the forums or you can hit one of us up IC.
We won't accept many members as we don't want to become a zerg like most orgs nowadays.
Shit list: Squeakers (especially British ones) @gLaCiAl
Good men: @Sorle @NeluDaHunter @Aquaa
With a guy that's better than Shroud (@Fintuss) on our side, we are guaranteed to take over Paralake.
We are a 4fun org we don't appreciate tryhards or terrorists (you know what kind of people I'm talking about).
All our org members shall be named after the one and only God Bob Bobov (@Google Chrome)
The current amount of members 11.
We mostly accept sweaters that are new to the server and not experienced players, applications will be done on the forums or you can hit one of us up IC.
We won't accept many members as we don't want to become a zerg like most orgs nowadays.
Shit list: Squeakers (especially British ones) @gLaCiAl
Good men: @Sorle @NeluDaHunter @Aquaa

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