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  1. Chris Flynn


    I made a thread on GTA Sirens a few days ago, @Smeris was very nice and told me he would help me out with the thing, Today I found out the legend not only got the sounds himself, but also made the whole entire audio zip folder and gave it to me free of charge. I believe this guy is very generous...
  2. Chris Flynn

    Sirens Audio Modification

    I have been wanting to make myself sirens sound like the ones from the GTA Series Like the Ambulance from Vice City Police from San Andreas And Fire Truck from Vice City I was wondering if anyone could kinda show me how to properly do these or if anyone is willing to take on the task :) Audio...
  3. Chris Flynn

    Server Suggestion Car Alarm Volume Option

    Suggestion Title: Car Alarm Volume Option Suggestion Description: Allows players to turn down the Car Alarm Noise in the F1 Options menu. It makes no sense for the car alarm to be so extremely loud, louder than a horn of the vehicle itself and even most weapons. Why should this be added...
  4. Chris Flynn

    PERPHeads Staff Tierlist

    I have decided to make a Staff tierlist, well most staff at least. Make your own here: This is not meant to offend anyone, it's just for kicks. Send your own Tierlists here! Enjoy <3 All credits go to @JuanBonita
  5. Chris Flynn

    Meat The Soldier

  6. Chris Flynn

    PERPHeads Forums taking too long to load

    Recently the forums have been loading incredibly slow for me, every other website works just fine except this one. Liking a post/shoutbox message, going on a different page or anything causes it to load and take about 10-20 seconds to load. If anyone knows why and if there's a possible fix, then...
  7. Chris Flynn

    Bug Report (Broken Speedometer, doesn't work on basically all cars.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Broken Speedometer, doesn't work on basically all cars. How to reproduce the Bug: Get in car > Drive car Time Stamp: The whole video Errors: N/A Media...
  8. Chris Flynn

    Random Garry's Mod Bullshittery (part 2)

    It's been a long time since I've last made my first video. enjoy.
  9. Chris Flynn

    Action Request (ThatGuyorSum)

    Your Steam Name: Chris Flynn Your Roleplay Name: Chris Flynn Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:508758849 Player's Steam Name: ThatGuyorSum Player's Roleplay Name: Jerry Schlitz Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49224469 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 3.20 User shot me and my Org member for no reason...
  10. Chris Flynn

    Can't send messages in Shoubox

    I'm on my phone and can't access my PC at the moment, today i tried sending a few shoutbox messages but instead my message just goes down a layer, there's no send button, it usually is just my "Enter" button, am I doing something wrong or are my settings messed up? Any help would be greatly...
  11. Chris Flynn

    I became an Uncle!

    Today my sister finally gave birth to healthy baby boy His name is Vasilije Say hi! please don't diss on him :) Also tomorrow morning, I will be gone to Serbia for about 2 weeks, soooo yeah. See ya till then!
  12. Chris Flynn

    Resignation / Goodbyes

    Hello PERP! I have decided that it's time for me to finally resign from Senior Helper position. Why? Because of number of reasons. I simply got bored playing on PERP, I didn't find any fun recently and just don't play it anymore (I have found other games and bike riding more interesting). I...
  13. Chris Flynn

    Best Free Editor Software

    Hello, As you may know, I recently uploaded my first video which included lots of editing. I currently use CapCut to edit, but I would really appreciate if you could recommend me other Free Editing Softwares that include more effects, zooms, tracking, etc. Thanks in advance, Chris Flynn
  14. Chris Flynn

    Random Garry's Mod Bullshittery (Part 1)

    My first ever edited video. Give me feedback on how to improve more, I would highly appreciate that! Yes it's cringe af but fuck it, have some fun for once and enjoy the bullshittery that follows.
  15. Chris Flynn

    Model Suggestion 1965-7 Ford Mustang Coupe

    Suggestion Title: 1965-7 Ford Mustang Coupe Suggestion Description: We have plenty of vehicles, but we don't have any classic cars that are particularly fast, so I think we should add a 1965-7 Ford Mustang Coupe Variant to PERPHeads. Here's how I believe it would work. It could potentially go...
  16. Chris Flynn

    Model Suggestion Flannel Shirts!

    Suggestion Title: Flannel Shirts! Suggestion Description: Flannel Shirt pattern to make you look like a lumberjack/cowboy, Being able to choose different designs and colors like red to blue to pink! Why should this be added?: -Looks cool -Adds even more variety of patterns -Promotes Cowboy...
  17. Chris Flynn

    Server Suggestion Balkan Radio/Moj Radio station

    Suggestion Title: Balkan Radio/Moj Radio station Suggestion Description: Adds back the Balkan radio but better, Moj radio is a folk Serbian radio that plays a lot of great tunes perfect for perp. It is also a great replacement radio for the Former Balkan Mix. I feel like our music needs to make...
  18. Chris Flynn

    Your Lucid Dreaming Stories

    Tell me your experiences and adventures in a Lucid Dream. Best or Worst. and...if there's any Masters, teach me please.
  19. Chris Flynn

    Trying to find a good Org.

    I've joining and leaving couple orgs, trying to find one that I can properly contribute to and settle in. Some Orgs were inactive, some just...plain bad, every time I let someone know which Org I am in, they seem to always have a negative reaction towards it. I don't really know much about...
  20. Chris Flynn

    Rate This Truck!

  21. Chris Flynn

    Hotdogs Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

    Yes, It's a weird name for a game, but! It's the best and most realistic VR Shooter ever! H3VR is a sandbox/competitive-ish game where you get a lot of maps and gamemodes to play, with the most realistic possible weaponry and ordnance you can have. around 400-600 weapons, all ranging from...
  22. Chris Flynn

    Bike Riding Through Berlin

    As someone who loves driving Buses, Trucks etc. I adore riding my bike through traffic and on gravel paths. Sometimes I listen to music, other times I just enjoy listening to the nice sound of nature and gravel. Even though Berlin doesn't really have forests or any good dirt trails for bike...
  23. Chris Flynn

    What do You use Forums for?

    I personally never used forums in my life. I thought it was something that would be useless and boring to use, but now as I am getting used to it, I'm starting to like it and use it more and more. What do people use Forums for? Post pictures or just general chat? Lemme know <3
  24. Chris Flynn

    What Makes Perpheads so Great + Hopeful Future plans.

    I got Garry's Mod gifted to me last year in November, so I searched for the most popular Uk Rp server and found this server at the top of the page, joined it and it started off....fine. The first day was chaotic as ever, I got lost in the city and didn't know anybody that I could talk to. I was...
  25. Chris Flynn

    Model Suggestion Courier Decal

    Suggestion Title: Courier Decal Suggestion Description: Courier Vans should have a decal, like, "Paralake Courier Service" with a phone number. Why should this be added?: - It would be MUCH easier to identify and i believe it would look nice. What negatives could this have?: - Time to...
  26. Chris Flynn

    Bug Report (Vehicle interior textures)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Vehicle interior textures How to reproduce the Bug: Spawn a car? Errors: Textures inside cars are messed up Media:
  27. Chris Flynn

    Server Suggestion Top Fm Belgrade Replacing Balkan Mix.

    Suggestion Title: Top Fm Belgrade Replacing Balkan Mix. Suggestion Description: Because these days Balkan Mix doesn't work, i think replacing it with Top Fm Belgrade. Why should this be added?: - Because your Balkan mix is broken. What negatives could this have?: - Top Fm is Top 40 and...
  28. Chris Flynn

    Server Suggestion Swift Radio!

    Suggestion Title: Swift Radio! Suggestion Description: A Radio Station that only plays Taylor Swift Songs. Why should this be added?: - Because its damn Taylor Swift playing 24/7 and i think Maia and most people would love it What negatives could this have?: - Being too Repetitive...