Search results

  1. Auston

    Police Suggestion Slicktop Supervisor Vehicles

    Suggestion Title: Slicktop Supervisor Vehicles Suggestion Description: In a lot of departments around the US, the supervisor vehicles are slick tops (Meaning no roof lightbar). Making it so the supervisor Crown Vic & Dodge Charger have a slick top could be a fun detail and to add some separation...
  2. Auston

    Server Suggestion Change Law 9.2 and 9,8

    Suggestion Title: Change Law 9.2 and 9,8 Suggestion Description: Change Law 9.2 to Physical Battery with an offensive weapon Change Law 9.8 to Assault Please see the following guideline: Assault: This generally refers to the threat or attempt to cause physical harm to another person. It...
  3. Auston

    Server Suggestion Grand Larceny Law Addition

    Suggestion Title: Grand Larceny Law Addition Suggestion Description: Grand Larceny as defined is : theft of personal property having a value above a legally specified amount. Add a Grand Larceny charge for theft over a $10,000 value (Vehicles, guns, etc) with a harsher jail sentence than...
  4. Auston

    Police Suggestion Previous Aliases Listed in Police Computer

    Suggestion Title: Previous Aliases Listed in Police Computer Suggestion Description: When you pull up someones profile in PLPD, have a section that shows "Previous Aliases" and shows previous names the player has had. Why should this be added?: -  Realistic - Prevents people from changing...
  5. Auston

    Police Suggestion Add a "Notes" Section to DNA

    Suggestion Title: Add a "Notes" Section to DNA Suggestion Description: Add a "notes" section to DNA, so you can mark information on specific DNA such as "Self defense" etc. This way we don't have to make a separate remark. Another idea would be add a drop down box where DNA can be marked as...
  6. Auston

    Server Suggestion Re-design crosshair for a fee

    Suggestion Title: Re-design crosshair for a fee Suggestion Description: Allow us to redesign a crosshair for 100k, or some other decided upon fee, rather then having to create an all new crosshair. Why should this be added?: - I don't want to spend 500k just to change the thickness of one...
  7. Auston

    Police Suggestion Alert in Police Computer if a prisoner has been broken out

    Suggestion Title: Alert in Police Computer if a prisoner has been broken out Suggestion Description: Put an alert or auto warrant out for someone that has been broken out of jail, it makes sense as the jails are manned by a police NPC and they would clearly know if someone is not inside serving...
  8. Auston

    Event Suggestion Allow at least 3 attempts at chop shop

    Suggestion Title: Allow at least 3 attempts at chop shop Suggestion Description: Right now if you fail it you have to wait 24 hours, this seems a little ridiculous and I feel like people should at least get 3 attempts at it before it locks for 24 hours. Why should this be added?: - To allow...
  9. Auston

    Action Request (tincan)

    Your Steam Name: Auston Your Roleplay Name: Furio Giunta Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42930762 Player's Steam Name: tincan Player's Roleplay Name: Bobby Plant Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126007236 Why should this player be punished?: Player was pretending to be AFK inside his apartment...
  10. Auston

    Bug Report (Respawning as TFU does not resupply flashbangs or C2)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Respawning as TFU does not resupply flashbangs or C2 How to reproduce the Bug: Die and respawn after using a flashbang or C2
  11. Auston

    Police Suggestion Allow PD Supervisors to demote roadcrew

    Suggestion Title: Allow PD Supervisors to demote roadcrew Suggestion Description: They are government officials and therefore should be able to be demoted by PD supervisors if they are not doing their job or are breaking the law Why should this be added?: - Stop the mingey roadcrew, that ram...
  12. Auston

    Refund Request (Auston)

    Your Steam Name: Auston Your Roleplay Name: Furio Giunta Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42930762 Reason for Request: Someone threw a molotov in Projex 3, it spread upstairs and burned multiple of my props Requested Items: See screenshot Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  13. Auston

    Content Bug Report (Fixing your legs as a police officer costs $1000)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Fixing your legs as a police officer costs $1000 How to reproduce the Bug: Become a police officer, become crippled and go to hospital to heal your legs
  14. Auston

    What do you drive?

    I cant believe theirs no posts for us car enthusiasts, Post what cars you own, or have owned. Ill start: What I currently own: 2017 340i, 6 Speed manual w/ Track Handling package, MPPSK package. 2008 Crown Victoria, Highly modified, manual swapped with full race suspension...
  15. Auston

    Server Suggestion PD Access to shooting range

    Suggestion Title: PD Access to shooting range Suggestion Description: A lot of new players going cop may be totally unfamiliar with how the weapons shoot, which severely effects their performance when in real situations with them. Police should be able to access the shooting range, either at...
  16. Auston

    Server Suggestion Balance Police when lower population

    Suggestion Title: Balance Police when lower population Suggestion Description: During peak hours the police and criminal balance is good, especially with TFU. However during peak US hours their is a serious lack of police, sometimes less than 3 police officers are present, During these times it...
  17. Auston

    New Player (Longtime RPer)

    New player here, longtime rper, have about 10 years and 3500 hours of gmod RP.