Search results

  1. Kevko

    Steam Game Recording [BETA]

    Steam just released a new built-in system for creating and sharing your gameplay footage. There is no more need for other software running in the background now. Read all about it >>>here<<< Scroll down to read on how to enable the Steam beta client. I thought a bunch of you might be interested...
  2. Kevko

    I messed up.

    Hey guys :) A lot of you saw already that I have been demoted as Enforcer. I wanna be completely honest with you and tell you what happened, even if it will make me look bad. I was roaming around in Noclip as usual, and then I heard shots at Projex and went there to check it out. After a few...
  3. Kevko

    Chris Flynn

    I just want to let @Chris Flynn know, that he is doing an awesome job as a helper. While I was a helper, I always had to fight with him to get some tickets done lol. He sacrifices a lot of time to make it as easy as possible for new players to get started by working on the guides and helping...
  4. Kevko

    Server Suggestion Planter changes

    Suggestion Title: Planter changes Suggestion Description: With the recent changes regarding the planters, there has been an issue that just wasted 50 mins of my time. Someone took my planters with him and I could not reclaim them at the City Hall. Why? My weed was not dying because they were...
  5. Kevko

    Bug Report (Fuel System is not working)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Fuel System is not working How to reproduce the Bug: The Fuel System is not working at the moment. Your car will not use fuel and new players can not complete the 'Refuel Car' objective. Time Stamp: ~15:00 Errors: none Media: none
  6. Kevko

    Model Suggestion Buyable Weapon Skin Changer

    Suggestion Title: Buyable Weapon Skin Changer Suggestion Description: Hey everyone. I kinda got that idea while I was working on a skin, so hear me out. Most of us know how the 'Optic Modification Tool' works, right? My idea is, that at the Blaze It Gun Store, you can buy Spray Cans (one-use...
  7. Kevko

    Kevko's PH Drug Dealer Graffiti Replacement

    I took some time and made a few new PH Graffiti Designs. They will replace the golden PH Graffiti Signs near the Drug Dealer locations. You can only choose one, so pick your favorite! Unzip file and copy the 'KevkoPHGraffiti' folder into your addons folder and done. I will most likely add...
  8. Kevko

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    Suggestion Topic: 3.13 Selling Items Suggestion Description: Banning "Mystery Boxes". We have all seen them, especially in the last couple of days. "Mystery Boxes" with nothing but salt or ppk's in them. I think we all can agree, that we hate scammers, right? These boxes are the easiest way to...
  9. Kevko

    Bug Report (Active Policies text is too long (Police State & Call Center))

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Active Policies text is too long (Police State & Call Center) How to reproduce the Bug: Activate the policies and check them on your phone. Media:
  10. Kevko

    Bug Report (If you give someone Chest/Trunk Access and remove it, the other person can still open your trunk even without access. He can't take stuff

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: If you give someone Chest/Trunk Access and remove it, the other person can still open your trunk without access. He can't take stuff out but can look inside. Edit: Bug does not occur with org access, it has to be the specific player with access. How to...
  11. Kevko

    Kevko's Custom Weapon Skins Showcase

    I wanted to show you some of the weapon skins I made so far. You may have seen them on Discord already, but I want to know your favorite. You can vote for 3 of your favorites. I will show future skins here as well. (I take no skin requests and I won't share them (maybe only to some chosen ones))...
  12. Kevko

    Kevko's Custom Images Guide

    Kevko's Custom Images Guide In this Guide, I will tell you everything you need to know to make a custom sign. What you need a design software like Photoshop, GIMP,, etc. (or you get someone to make you a design) a design in the right resolution an Image Prop to put your custom image...
  13. Kevko

    Kevko's PerpHeads Shenanigans #2

    Sup guys, I just made another montage of clips I collected over the last 1 and a half months. I highly recommend watching till the end as I tried to end the video with a very short hype montage. (very very short, I don't raid lol) Special thanks to everyone in the video making my days awesome! I...
  14. Kevko

    Kevko's PerpHead Shenanigans #1

    Hey guys, After over 10 years, I wanted to learn using Adobe Premiere again. I collected a few clip over the last few month on perp, so I want to share them with you. From now on, I will record my footage on 1440p 60fps for higher quality. I hope you enjoy it! Special thanks to these guys in...
  15. Kevko

    Bug Report (Cant buy Bazaar when you have Market Stall. Its saying something like "Your org can only own of Bazaar". Cant remember exactly, since it h

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Cant buy Bazaar when you have Market Stall. Its saying something like "Your org can only own of Bazaar". Cant remember exactly, since it happened yesterday. How to reproduce the Bug: Have a Market Stall and try to buy a Bazaar Shop
  16. Kevko

    Action Request (valvk)

    Your Steam Name: Kevko Your Roleplay Name: Kevko Stabil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16921820 Player's Steam Name: valvk Player's Roleplay Name: Santino Corleone Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:31629013 Why should this player be punished?: Tried to Ziptie me inside Bazaar Shop and then killed me...
  17. Kevko

    Bug Report (No "ACHTUNG!" Warning when near Bank Raid)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: No "ACHTUNG!" Warning when near Bank Raid How to reproduce the Bug: I was near a Bank raid without knowing it was happening, since I had no warning about it. It happened two times today and the second time a friend of mine drove us to the City...
  18. Kevko

    Refund Request (Kevko)

    Your Steam Name: Kevko Your Roleplay Name: Kevko Stabil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16921820 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon due to a RDMer. Requested Items: 1x HK45 CT + Pistol Sight + full Magazine Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @steelo
  19. Kevko

    Warning Dispute (Nazeer)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Kevko Your Roleplay Name: Kevko Stabil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16921820 Why were you...
  20. Kevko

    APB:Reloaded show your stuff / talk

    Last time I played was in 2012. Since we talked about this game in the Shoutbox, I really miss this game, but won't start playing it again I think. (and yes, I spend alot of money in this game)
  21. Kevko

    Join PH Server Shortcut

    Hey guys. In case you want to save a few seconds and want to have a shortcut for joining the server, here is how you do it: You create a new shortcut on your desktop type in: steam://connect/ Save Enjoy Easy, right? Now you just have to double click the shortcut and Steam...
  22. Kevko

    What games have you bought on the Steam Winter Sale?

    What Games have you bought on the Steam Winter Sale? Games: City Car Driving [Store Link] - Wanna test it out with my wheel STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order [Store Link] - Looks good Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Breakpoint [Store Link] - Enjoyed Ghost Recon Wildlands Flashing Lights [Store Link] - I...
  23. Kevko

    "Your organization is not allowed to buy more than 1 property of this type."

    (Your*, property*) So what is up with that? How do you think 1 Bazaar shop is enough for 6+ online org member? For what reason did that get changed?
  24. Kevko

    Bug Report (H&K G3A3 requires "Strength 3" skill)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: H&K G3A3 requires "Strength 3" skill How to reproduce the Bug: The H&K G3A3 is the only weapon that requires Strength 3 skill. All other guns only requires Strength 1. Is it on purpose? Media:
  25. Kevko

    Perforated Plate Picture (for your Weapon Shop)

    Hello, some people have been asking me to share my weapon wall background. So I might also share it here. so you can use it Ingame. Have fun! Copy this link and use it ingame. (no approval needed) Here's how it look ingame:
  26. Kevko

    My Weapon Crafting Spreadsheet

    Hey guys, I made myself a spreadsheet for weapon crafting, pricing and more. I know there is already one out here and I used it to make mine (thanks to the creator), but I disliked that there were pages you had to click to see magazine prices etc.. Maybe some of you would prefer mine, so I...
  27. Kevko

    Bug Report (Whenever you spawn a Piano, you can't Drag&Drop multiple items to or from your storage.)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Whenever you spawn a Piano, you can't Drag&Drop multiple items to or from your storage. How to reproduce the Bug: Spawn a Piano and try to drag something from your storage to your inventory (e.g. 100x weed)
  28. Kevko

    Time to say hello

    Hello there. Some of you might met me ingame already and since there is a high chance, that I'll become a very active member, i thought it's a good idea to introduce myself. My name is Kevin, but my friends and family are calling me Kevko. I know, Kevin isn't the most popular name, but I'm...