Search results

  1. Willis


    Topic: Inventory Short explanation: -To be able to open your inventory wheel while sitting down. Detailed description: Being able to open your inventory wheel while sitting would greatly increase roleplay eg. restaurantrp, this includes sitting on a chair, a bench and maybe even your car...
  2. Willis

    Refund Request (Last try)

    Your in-game name: Willis Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Reason: The TV has gone once again, going to attempt to keep it inside the car instead of storage this time. Evidence: -Before: -After...
  3. Willis

    Parking Tickets

    Topic: Changing how the parking ticket effects the player. Short explanation: Make an outstanding parking ticket notify the Roadcrew if there is any. Detailed description: An outstanding parking ticket impounds your car and your car is put into the storage, well I've seen the change in how...
  4. Willis

    Refund request (again)

    Your in-game name: Willis Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Reason: Uh the TV is gone again.Bug Evidence: -Before: -After: Tick: N/A
  5. Willis

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Willis Zaiger Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58576749 Reason: Well I bought a TV, next day it has vanished. Bug? Evidence: -Before: -After: Tick: N/A
  6. Willis

    Ban/Warning Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Willis Zaiger His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam: Olivercampbellcrowe IG: Oliver Crowe His SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72160298 Reason: This person started ramming me from the car garage, they then continued to ask me to pull over but instead went to another call to come back...
  7. Willis


    Hey, I recently joined the server and gained errors where the atm is and when people have their fists out, apart from this I'm totally fine. I then downloaded the server content pack and installed it correctly, same issue applied. I subscribed to the workshop 12 packs and the 3 additional...