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  1. Nuka

    Back maybe.

    Hi! Back playing GMod a bit. Used to love being an Enforcer here. I am a police officer IRL now so happy to answer any policing queries... Nuka
  2. Nuka

    Oi. Someone please enlighten me.

    Hi, Nuka here, your friendly friend I never found out why. No one I ask knows why. Why was I demoted? I've asked a lot of people. One person says they later said it was unjust, but no one has told me the actual reason. I loved enforcing this server, and I hope to one day do it again. But...
  3. Nuka

    [ENFORCER] [Nuka] Requesting Immediate Ban

    Name: Nuka Steam Names: SoDamnSuper, Fattyfatcow STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:43214618, STEAM_0:1:33026751, respectively Reason: In all my hours of enforcing, this had to be the worst. They started with 4.1 breakage; driving like crap as officers. I let that slide. They then proceeded to shoot up...
  4. Nuka


    Topic: Notes Short explanation -Useful for Police -Easy -Realistic -Very Effective Detailed description In many other RP servers, 'Notes' can be created with the command /note (then your text here). It's very useful for marking who owns houses ICly, or if a specific area has been searched...
  5. Nuka

    Panic Button

    Title: Panic Button What does it do: Here in the UK, the police services are equipped with a 'panic button' on their radio which instantly calls all officers to their location used in stabbings/shootings/officer in distress. It could use the same sort of layout as the 911 reports Why do we...
  6. Nuka

    Photography and Shizzle.

    O hai community! I noticed a lot of you are creative and enjoy looking at others' works, so i thought i'd open a topic for the amateur photographers among us! I have a flickr here if you'd be kind enough to check it out!:
  7. Nuka

    Hello From Nuka

    Hey, i'm Nuka, some of you may have seen me playing in game but i have only just started playing so am yet to find the experienced members of this community! Bit of info: I'm Joseph (Joe informally :P), and a student studying Computer Science, i love photography and am an avid player of Garry's...